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Evidence the contary . . . .

WonderWartHog99 8 Sep 13
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Unless you are a death cultist Christian...


Apparently it can be...

scurry Level 9 Sep 13, 2019

Hell is a popping.

@WonderWartHog99 and the reason... their faith. While some of their values are seemingly wholesome, there are far more warped constraints. It's my understanding that higher education is frowned upon for the girls, and growing up, everyone is forces to have a smile and never complain - regardless of the situation.
To say nothing of forbidding the use of birth control...

@scurry The reason... their faith.

No sale. There is nothing in the photo that says which faith they are.

Large families can be created by people re-marrying. Additionally large families are common dating back to the days of extreme infant mortality. When I was dating my first wife she said she wanted as many as 12.

It was a long uphill argument from there.

Some people view lots of children as insurance when they become old and frail.

@WonderWartHog99 This is the Duggar Family. They had a reality TV show called "19 Kids and Counting".
It is absolutely their faith to not use birthcontrol and they also belong to something called Quiverfull where they believe something along the lines of an empty fertile uterus is a doorway for the devil, or some such nonsense.
Feel free to fact check me.

Despite Percy telling me it's the tastiest part I don't give enough of a rat's ass to go fact checking.

@WonderWartHog99 So you'll just sling opinions around willy-nilly, truth and fact be damned. Well isn't that peachy. You go right ahead and stick your head in the sand. Probably better that way.

@scurry Excusseeesss me for not watching reality shows on The Learning Channel in 2008, burning their images in my mind and memorizing the plot from 11 years ago. Not everyone follows the Duggers for having large families and are exactly like them.

isn't that peachy.

I'm so wonderful it's disgusting to give the details, little Ms. Preachy.

@WonderWartHog99 I didn't follow them either. I looked them up. Using Google. It's called Fact Checking. Like I suggested to you. But you stated very clearly that you don't fact check.
Regardless Happy Saturday.

@WonderWartHog99 Dude, you and I see eye-to-eye on most posts. I enjoy your comments and posts, and typically enjoy our interactions.
Let's not let this comment thread spoil that.
I'm sorry if I pisses you off or irked you.
I truly do wish you a good day and a wonderful weekend.

@scurry I'll have you know my opinions have the biggest willy of any nilly 🤣🤣🤣

>you stated very clearly that you don't fact check.

I do fact check. That's how I knew when the show was broadcast and where. However, citing one large family from one lack of reality show as the universal reason for all large family is bogus to the highest power, Fact checking clearly illogical claims is not required.

I don't follow "reality" shows because they follow fictional scripts with a tad of facts to get viewers coming back for more.

Don't worry. If you ever darken my door step, I'll still break out the visitor's whiskey. It is my position everyone is entitled to a wrong opinion, including me. Just because a person comes up with crazy opinion doesn't require me, as my contemporaries use to say "cut off your head and shit down your windpipe."

They can be some gross dudes.🤢🤢🤮🤮


I think I understand this meme.

Rudy1962 Level 9 Sep 13, 2019

He's losing her in the crowd. 🤔😏🤓🙇♀️🙇♂️👨👨👧👧

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