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Just where are these women at??

ballou 8 Sep 25
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MojoDave Level 9 Sep 25, 2019

She wants it still attached, right?

Rudy1962 Level 9 Sep 25, 2019

Dream Women .

GEGR Level 7 Sep 25, 2019

Ordinarily the women, if they want it, ask that question on the first date. This has led me with some memorable first dates. One gal insisted hauling my ashes should precede dinner. I didn't argue with her.

One time after extensive correspondence, I told a gal I would like to take a long drive to see her, fix her dinner and stay overnight at her place. If she didn't like me, I'd rent a motel room. Sex wasn't mentioned. Since she didn't have a second bed room, I brought a queen size air mattress.

Believe it or shove it, my master plan was to dodge a motel bill and see the local sites.

She said when she first met me, I had a dead chicken, dragging an air mattress behind me. After dinner, we went shopping for an air pump for the mattress.

Turns out if you put two people on an air mattress with lust in their eyes, you'll be re-inflating that air mattress two to three times a night. It was so intense, that a lack of sleep had me pulling off half way home at a rest stop and catching up on my sleep -- twice!

I stayed three nights. Didn't get to see any of the local sights. 😴😴

I think you saw a local sight

@bookofmoron If you count just her as a "local sights" yes. Originally, I wanted to tour the fall colors in the mountains. It took almost a year to visit the mountains when we go off day light saving time.

Photos alone don't justify the fall colors in the mountains it isn't visited in person.

I tried anyway.


Definitely not (on the first date).

One time, I dated an asexual for five years before she changed her mind. She went from one extreme to the other. At the far extreme she had two other boyfriends -- one of which was married -- so she could catch up.


Never happen unless paid date

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 25, 2019

They're a myth....

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