7 10

Let me try this again. I made a rookie mistake 🥺. For any other Bernie and Breaking Bad fans.

Rudy1962 9 Oct 6
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Bernie's hit a hurdle.

He's been proven that he's aging....getting old.

We're going to have to decide if his tenets...his precepts....his life devoted to a good, fair society ....

....needs him as the leader.

....Can he "anoint Liz" to carry the torch?

Or does he have to prove that it was "just a hurdle" and it's "normal to stumble" long as you keep running?

I would think we will see how he is in the next few weeks


Warren had to go to NY to get 20K to show up for an "anti-corruption rally" after buying the "Working Families Party" nomination for 40K.... Just about anywhere Bernie goes at least 20K people show up....and he doesn't buy endorsements from crooks funded by Wall Street criminals....




Bernie's done.

BD66 Level 8 Oct 6, 2019

A site in New Zealand that is used to predict financial markets?... That is a lot like asking Fox for News....


I think Bernie's health will do the deciding for him.

brentan Level 8 Oct 6, 2019

His health is now better than ever...

It would be better to advise the man to retire than bullshit his supporters.

@brentan The real problem is centerist morons who believe every lie to corporate news spews.... That is what gave us a Trump presidency....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yes indeed. Much as I think Trump has been a step too far, I won't be jumping for joy at the idea of a return to 'normal'.


Yup not done yet

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 6, 2019

I don't understand

Did you ever watch Breaking Bad?

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