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Clock changing....

Heather2367 8 Oct 22
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Another argument against this lunacy.

Livinlife Level 9 Oct 22, 2019

Well here in Queensland we never have to worry about changing the clocks as we keep the same time all year round.

davers Level 7 Oct 22, 2019

With all my travels, most cross 2-3 time zones, I have gotten prolific enough that I can change the radio clock in less than 10 seconds at the first rest stop. However winter is coming, so I'll have to be retrained come springtime.

glennlab Level 10 Oct 22, 2019

I've never been able to change the clock in my car radio. There is actually a secret code

OldGoat43 Level 9 Oct 22, 2019

Sundial! Hahahaha that's funny!


Why can’t we set our clocks ahead an hour at noon, on a Friday?

Haemish1 Level 8 Oct 22, 2019

Because it will be inaccurate.

Ummm - why would it be less accurate than setting them ahead at 2am?
Isn’t the whole thing somewhat random and arbitrary?

@Haemish1 From noon until two in the morning, the clock would be inaccurate. The questionable point is to establish a weekend when the change would result in people enjoying more day time after work.

For this to work, they need some date around the start of fall. This has valid objections which is why some US states no longer use it.

Wouldn’t more people enjoy a shorter work day and a longer weekend?
The inaccuracy remains, regardless of when the change actually occurs.

@Haemish1 The inaccuracy remains, regardless of when the change actually occurs.

In terms of clocks, the ultimate standard of accuracy is provided by U.S. Naval Observatory. Clocks that agree with that clock are considered accurate.

What people would enjoy instead has nothing to do with the time of day. What I would enjoy would make young women say "no way, Jose."

We could debate whether the cesium fountain clock at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado or the the one you mention in Annapolis is the standard for the nation, but it seems that my attempt at humor fell flat with you.

@Haemish1 >We could debate . . .

According to my shameless impartial standards, I'd win. 😉😌😁

At least one of us has standards 😉

@Haemish1 I have a high standard of standardness. You may not have that high a standards. Your standards might be sober.

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