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This is not a meme. This is the Hope Hospice in my town. I can’t believe they went there with their Halloween decorations. I hear they actually do pretty good work, so I’m not posting this on my FB page. Oh, photo is not so great. Those are headstones with witty sayings on them, and ghosts in the graveyard. Thoughts?

Rudy1962 9 Oct 26
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Absolutely thoughtless and hideous in my opinion .
I assume this is the office / center where paperwork is done and personnel check in . The management of this office shows exactly what he / she thinks of death . Its buisness .
And he / she is stupid enough or comftable enough to show that to the public .
I understand that hospice provides a service for those who are not lucky enough ( my opinion ), to pass in a hospital .
Drugs and equipment can be charged via their services and that's a relief for the patient and his / her family .
The rest of their services ( my opinion ), is basically an aid and a nurse 2-3 x a week to give u a bath and morphine . And much talks and coffees w the grieving family .
In the nursing community , hospice is the job u take when u are near 60, u have compassion and ability to nurse the ones without hope , u are tired , u want to get paid well , u can give " god bless u " talks to family members on ea visit , and u have made peace w the death concept .
And all of this system and expenses and pain and industry , Bcz euthanasia is not an option .

Pralina1 Level 9 Oct 28, 2019

Who the fuck would rather die in a goddamn hospital than at home. I spent a month in the hospital where I was treated great as my sister-in-law was head of the radiology department, and I would have done anything to get out of the hospital after about two weeks. I understand it is your second home and that may affect your outlook on hospitals just as bars are my second home, and most people don't like bars, but I understand that.

@Sticks48 people who have a week or two to live , are made " comfort care " only at hospital , but still no space to keep them until they die . They are not awake or alert .

People who have 2-3 weeks to live maybe , they are connected to a 100 machines , they want to let go , and we don't provide them w medical support at hospital to do so.
Instead , hospice can pick the case ( is for profit ), a medical bed and medications will be given at house , nurses and aids will visit to monitor drugs . The patient is most of x pissed off that his / her family will have to go through all this .
People who are terminal ill , and death anticipated in the very near future if no treatment . Those are mostly cancer patients . Euthanasia is not an option . Pain is reality and they need drugs to go through w their decision until finally death comes . These people wish to die at a hospital and get over with it . Hospice picks them up and many choose a nursing home so to not burden their family w their care , or simply no family . Hospice supplies their pain meds at nursing home .

@Pralina1 Well there you go You can't let them die and hospice can. Not everyone dying in a hospital wants to die there. Some do, and some don't for many different reasons.


Grimm humor....


Very dark

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 26, 2019

Someone has a dark sense of humor!😈


Not in good taste for a hospice place. Pumpkins and witches would be better.

It kind of amazed me that they did that

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