So today she has had four dic -isions? I agree Spell Check would have spelled Dick correctly.
Maybe not, but many have vinyl decal stripe kits, and isn't that the same thing??
@scurry Please tell me you comprehend the difference between sophisticated design and misspelled tattoos?
@Robecology So a sophisticated tattoo design is ok?
Edit: Please tell me you don't think a racing stripe is sophisticated.
@scurry I wouldn't put either on my car...nor any tattoo on my body...and I have less respect for those who are compelled to have them...they just sadden me, and I think less of them.
@Robecology How very narrow minded and condescending of you.
@scurry I found a fun site; right up your alley...You'll love these! Have fun!
We have a president whose spelling is worse so don’t be judging the tattoo artist.
I'm not lowering my standards so the new "baseline" is Trump.
Thanks but no thanks.
@scurry oh please! If you call people on this, you are a spelling Nazi. I didn’t have it carved in my skin so I’m not involved. However I remember a parent teacher conference I attended for my son when he was in middle school. When I expressed my concern about his poor spelling, the teacher chuckled and said his secretary can fix it. Wait, what???
@Killtheskyfairy I'm a terrible speller!! But if I'm going to get text tattooed on my flesh, I would spell check and proof-read many time and get someone else to look at it too, before I had it done.
Also, if you want to strive for mediocrity and hold Trump as the standard, you go right ahead.
@scurry if you want to argue reality, you go ahead.
And don't forget to make sure that the tattoo artist can duplicate what he/she reads! Have you ever seen one of those promo videos, where the guy is supposedly reading the same thing that is on the screen, as he's reading it out loud? Words are dropped and words are added, and it makes me wonder, what is the mental mechanism behind that? Why can't people read what is there, and not add or leave out parts?
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.