3 7

One hump or two?....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Nov 13
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Has either Gloria Steinem or Gloria Allred weighed in on this offer? Or are they standing mute on the matter because on account of their politically correct dogma they can't afford to open their yap on the subject?

Logician Level 7 Nov 14, 2019

Isn't it nice how mentally deranged you Nazis get when something like this pops up?... I hope you enjoy watching Trump being removed from office and sent to prison..... His entire family should be joining him so maybe you can visit this one once a month.... No wonder no woman wants you...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Your posts might make some kind of sense, if you were able to think instead of just have knee jerk reactions to things that you do not like.

@Logician Look who is talking a supposed atheist who is so stupid he wants to vote to be executed for not believing in Jebus.... You really need to change your screen name to Illogical Lemming....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Uh, do you have these psychotic breaks and go into these incoherent babbling sessions often? It really would be nice if you could write something that is even just a little bit intelligent, once in a while!



No, because I figured that it was just a joke anyway, so I continued it by equating two hundred camels for two hundred cigarettes (Camels), and that retard lizard of ahaz or whatever, is too dumb to see it and he went off on some wild tangent over it. Is there anybody alive today, who would actually make an offer of two hundred camels to rent a woman as beautiful as her for one night? Evidently, too many people believe everything that they read or hear.


200 cigarettes isn't much of a bargain for her. Does she even smoke? She sure is red hot though!!

Logician Level 7 Nov 14, 2019


@Lizard_of_Ahaz I hope that you don't really think that the movie character Yoda was ever real!!

@Logician I always knew Riaito was famous for meth and Nazis.... Tell me did your mommy do something bad to you when you were little?

@Lizard_of_Ahaz We don't need to hear your excuses or your confessions.

@Logician Not me confessing.... You are confessing to having an abusive upbringing and supporting treasonous criminals....

Oh man! How did your feeble mind ever come to such an erroneous conclusion? Are you in a continual state of drunkenness or something to come up with nonsense like that?

@Logician This feeble mind has a paper that is being taught in a class called Sociology of Religion at the University of Massachusetts... Meanwhile you are fooling yourself into believing you are "logical" and supporting a criminal syndicate.... Taking those facts into account WHO is the feeble minded one?....

What is the name of that paper? Maybe you could post it here or provide a link to it so we know you're not totally delusional on the subject? Just because someone is quoting another, that doesn't automatically make the first man or woman any kind of a genius, does it? Or is it true only in YOUR case? Somebody repeats your drivel, and suddenly they are the wisest words ever written?
Really?!?! I'm supporting a criminal syndicate? Which one is that? I had no idea and need to stop doing that ASAP!! You do know the name of this group, don't you? You didn't just make the whole idea up while sitting on the toilet, or did you?

@Logician Paternalistic religion and its relationship to rape and slavery.... Meanwhile you have done nothing with your life but support rape and slavery....

But what is the name of that group, that criminal syndicate that you say I'm supporting?? I want to withdraw my support of it right now! You still haven't shown anyone here this "toilet paper" you supposedly wrote and is being used as some sort of a prime example to teach others with! You just made it up during one of your sewer pipe sniffing session dreams.


Ok but no returns

Rudy1962 Level 9 Nov 13, 2019

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