You know I'm stealing this and advocating people DO deface Trump signs
This actually gave me a great idea, in most states it is illegal to deface political signs on another's property, however, if you go by the trump headquarters and pick up several, modify them, then on election day take them to the polling place and erect them. If anyone tries to remove them they are violating election law and subject to arrest. Have the number to call for election law violations on speed dial and a camera, that takes his poll workers off site until the voting is over. Not going to do it, but it is tempting as hell.
The fun part is if you put swastikas in the 0s for 2020....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz got to put that on my list of what not to do.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz oh nad is that inside or in place of?
@glennlab Inside of course...
>in most states it is illegal
Who are the exceptions? I need a ray of hope.
@WonderWartHog99 Not sure,but I knew if I stated an absolute, some ass would point out my error. Better safe than sorry. In Texas it is basicly catch and release, except on election day where they hold you intil the polls close, while the law makes it a misdemeaner, it is very rarely prosecuted and ienforcement in most counties is relegated to constables and JPs.
@glennlab >I knew if I stated an absolute, some ass would point out my error.
I'm not an ass, I'm a hemorrhoid. I irritate assholes.
Defacing signs is defacing property. It's a criminal offense everywhere. You won't be hauled away the gas chamber or rate the execution squad. You might escape with a fine and a post it note on your current criminal record.
Texas is its own universe. Citing them as typical is like saying "On the planet Mongo we . . . ."
Disclaimer: I lived in the Texas hill country for three years as well as six months in the big bend region. Spent a weekend in Luckenbach, Texas.
@WonderWartHog99 The reason I sited Texas is that is where I live, so I in no way was inferring that they were typical, but that they were the laws I currently suffer under.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.