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Consider all aspects before deciding

Boxdoc 7 Dec 2
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She isn't old enough to drive.
Should have picked a different target.
You know, like an adult.

KKGator Level 9 Dec 2, 2019

Jerks also assumed ignorantly electric cars are the only green vehicles HYDROGEN vehicles need less cobalt

Yep, when your message can't hold up to scrutiny, get a child to spread it. Who wants to criticize a child? Taking a child with a mental illness and reinforcing her fears is child abuse.

@Boxdoc Again, pick an adult who supports positions you don't agree with, and attack them.


@Boxdoc....yes; Elon Musk and his staff are well aware of the abuses of child labor in the Congo. His team is working hard to avoid getting his cobalt from the Congo...where most of it comes from.

But do remember; the families tolerate their children working the mines. The families of the mining corporations know they're hiring children as laborers. The government tolerates this. 40,000 children are said to be employed there.


The bigger picture is the world wide push - mostly by Russia and the U.S. uber-wealthy - to sustain fossil fuels...which might kill all of us.

The World Health Organization estimates greenhouse gases and harmful air pollutants, such as particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, cause over 7 million premature deaths around the globe each year.

Reducing the use of fossil fuels for transportation and electricity generation decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and stroke in both developed and undeveloped countries.

Right now Russia and the US have huge subsidies on gas and oil mining, refining, and fracking. These nations have the lowest gasoline taxes of all nations (see chart, below - source of the chart is [].



What's that in the foreground?

brentan Level 8 Dec 2, 2019

Sad and Very True .

GEGR Level 7 Dec 2, 2019

The solution to this is simple... Stop allowing the same big corporations that keep the fossil fuel economy and environmental destruction of the planet to use slave labor b y holding them accountable.... But of course senile old farts don't understand the economics of wage theft do they?.... On the bright side you soon will when the senate passes their bill to steal your social security so those big corporations don't have to pay taxes on their profits....

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