I find this hilarious because my father gave me the "birds and bees" talk with this phrase:
"Men operate under the 4 "F's"; find em, feel em, fuck em and forget em. Now I'm wondering where he came up with that...!
Oh geez. Thanks Dad. It's not like he set you up or anything! What happens when you meet a guy who doesn't operate on those principles?
I try to give everyone the benefit of a doubt at first...time always tells. But yeah, my dad was a character.
Gee..now that I'm thinking about it, that was a set up wasn't it?
@Freespirit64 Ayup. But I appreciate you bringing your own intention to the process, by giving everyone the benefit of the doubt.
@EricTrommater Everything is to you, except for food, & even then!!!
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Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.