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It is vitally important to stop the spread of STD's in 2020. Help spread the message

bookofmorons 9 Jan 17
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Robecology Level 9 Jan 17, 2020

These fantastic trade deals.
The record low unemployment.
The record high stock market.
Withdrawing (or at least not creating or escalating) conflicts in the Middle East.
These things really suck don't they?
I can't stand any more of it!

BD66 Level 8 Jan 17, 2020

Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agrement.
Denying the science of climate change and making it worse.
Separating families at the Mexico/USA border.
Imprisoning innocent children in horrible conditions at the border.
Making the USA an embarrasing laughing stock throughout the world.
Murdering Qasem Soleimani.
Violating the U.S. Constitution.
Lying, lying, lying.
Being generally incompetent in just about everything.
Yes, these things suck.
I can't stand any more of it!

Obama started the Stock market recovery
Obama started the Jobs recovery
Trump is sending more troops to the middle east and apparently renting them out to the Saudis
Trump associates are going to jail in record numbers

etc etc etc

@BD66 - Sorry for your suffering! Get well soon?

Oh...and about those trade deals? failed to address some of economic issues at the heart of the bitter dispute, raising questions about whether it was worth nearly two years of bruising tariffs.

Even administration officials have at times offered a less ambitious assessment of the phase-one deal than the president.

But keep drinking that kool aid! He'll make you oroud of that MAGA hat some day!


@BestWithoutGods minor quibble. you might have understated the lying, lying, lying, lying, lying, lying, lying and lying to the fifty fourth power (^54.)

@larsatrg The OP got me doing some research; I found this about that "Chinese Trade deal"...

I think I'll sign up for the Chinese language reading and writing class;

The Ignorance is Thick .

@Robecology Quoting Robert Reich propaganda is not research.

#1. I don't see references/quotes from your opinion has far less weight than Reich.
#2. The BBC concurs;[]
#3 The NY Times concurs. []
I tried to find comment on the trade deal on Faux News...but found only praises.
Debate fairly; or drop out/concede.

Your move;


"Stop The Donald" is the one STD we really need!

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