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I prefer iced tea

altschmerz 9 Jan 26
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Add some rum and I won't care...

scurry Level 9 Jan 27, 2020

@altschmerz Right??? Don't get me wrong, there are other combinations and pairings that I enjoy just as much. 😉😄


love Vitamin B

That's what my uncle would call it! Lol

@MichelleGar1 he'd be my kinda guy lol

@bookofmoron He was awesome!!! He would tell me, " Come on guera let's go drink some vitamin B! He had made himself a bar in his garage and when I would go visit, that's where he and I would hangout! He loved when I would take him Heiniken!

@MichelleGar1 perfect memory

@bookofmoron Good times with my uncle


Pepsi tastes better although I rarely drink soda.. I prefer plain double filtered chilled water...


Really, give me a Bud .

GEGR Level 7 Jan 27, 2020

Dos XX!!!!

Dos Equis Ambar is my go-to beer!

@Tomfoolery33 When I go to the East Coast, that's all they serve for Did XX, it's good! I will also drink Modelo Negro when I want a dark beer

@MichelleGar1 Modelo Negro is great too!

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