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Just a thought about the "people" that some seem to support.

glennlab 10 Jan 28
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Good point

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 28, 2020

Corporations had bad experiences with their ex's lol


I will believe a corporation is a person when we start invoking the death penalty against them and their boards of directors...


Also, why are they considered a "person"? As in, Hobby Lobby can refuse to pay for birth control for it's employees on religious grounds.??!!! WTF?

They were always considered artificial people with limited rights and spelled out responsibilities. It has been a slow errosion of the seperation between artificial people and real people, there is a stong disagreement over which was the worst agrievance. Whether allowing corps to have free speech (as in money talks), granting the rights of ownership (at diferent tmes, corps could not own anything except their means of productions, no other corporations, no patents, no copyrights), unlimited life (corps used to have limited life with disolution after a set number of years). or the veil of secrecy (some corporations can hide who their owner are).


I guess we've made ourselves whores!

brentan Level 8 Jan 28, 2020

The US Supreme Court had quite a bit to do with it on this side of the pond.

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