14 8

Y’all are so smart... answer me this one.

1EarthLovingGal 7 Feb 4
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Used this many times both metal and plastic was part of my job, not as glamorous as most guys think or sexy. I know that it's hard for women and not nice on the other end. You have to concentrate on what you are doing look for problems and make sure she is ok and healthy. It's vital for women's health if you miss something or don't do it right it can cost her life. My first two years of practice was in a intercity HMO poor women most had no idea of hygiene(not their fault) , knew that they were embarrassed. It was hard for both of us. One had an infection so bad my nurse proctor almost passed out, so not glamorous or exciting or sexy, but vital

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 5, 2020

@1EarthLovingGal no one does but I enjoyed helping them when there was a problem, making them better healthier

@bobwjr Thanks for your service.


Better take a look under the hood...


Aren't they made of plastic now?

disposable even!


Speak glum, used to help a gyn look at the cervix


It's the tool used to change the generator in a lightening bug's ass.


Intake diagnostics, of course.

resserts Level 8 Feb 4, 2020

Well, I think the one that came with my car is missing. Not sure where I should look!😂😂🙄


Tailpipe expansion tool...

I'd say you were inserting it about an inch too low.

@glennlab Or high depending on the position....


Isn't that a gynecologist's tool? 😮

Nice gynos warm them up!


It's a new kind ice cream scooper. 😂 It can also be kept in the glovebox for emergency scooping.

noworry28 Level 8 Feb 4, 2020

Every fucking year! I hate it! Lol

@1EarthLovingGal Right! So uncomfortable!


Does it show how much tread is left?

LEPeff Level 8 Feb 4, 2020

It makes the one in the passenger seat get real uncomfortable when you pull it out of the ice chest.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 4, 2020

That's just creepy on so many levels! LMAO!!!

@MichelleGar1 based on the reports I've heard, I assumed they were stored in the fridge or ice chest.

@glennlab Not an ice chest! I don't know about a refrigerator! Owww!!!!


I’m pretty sure that doesn’t have anything to do with cars

BudFrank Level 8 Feb 4, 2020
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