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Super Tuesday wasn’t super for me. However, it’s still possible that Joe will get arrested in South Africa again. Please don’t beat up on me too much. It’s my emotional response 😜

Rudy1962 9 Mar 4
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Everyone needs to understand that this contest is far from over the democrats allot their delegates by a formula so that even if you "win" the primary you could come off with fewer delegates than the actual vote %. Delegates are allocated by the actual statewide vote, then the majority of delegates are allocated based on how particular districts voted. It is a necessarily complex process. We won't know the actual delegate allocation for a week or more. there are still 2/3 of the delegates to be allocated.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 4, 2020



Still better than trump

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 4, 2020

Like saying a shit sandwich is better than eating shit plain....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Still better than trump.

@SiouxcitySue Still tastes like shit no matter how it looks... or how you sell it.... If you really want to eat shit you buy it... FYI you do know Biden has been working to cut Social Security for over 40 years now right?... Fuck if he cares he has a pension paid for by your tax dollars...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz then good luck with trump when everything goes to shit

@bobwjr I will remember to thank the Biden supporters for getting him re-elected...


Very funny memes.. don't worry about being reported, this isn't Facebook 🤣😂😋😊 in fact, post more!!!


Fucking Biden and his superPAC are both using corporate money are buying the votes of the uneducated....


@Rudy1962; I will "beat up" on anyone who's rude, or arrogant against any of the candidates.

Our options are slim. Yes, Joe has been a little too "touchy-feely" Yes he's been a bit forgetful, and slip-of-the-tongue silly.

The one about Mike is apropos IMO....Mike is smart...but jumped in too late...and is throwing his money around too freely.

But the alternative - DJT - is far worse.

Please consider taking these posts down. I won't "report" you...because I sense that you're reasonable.

Again....Joe's not that sharp...and Bernie's a bit too "out there" with his ideas....but they're both far, far better than Trump.

report them? really? I do DJT memes all the time. And the common thread is humor. Ive been reported plenty of times before, and had memes taken down. Not because one did not like them for political reasons though. Yes, Joe is better than Trump but doesn’t mean he’s beyond being made fun of....Do as you wish

You're being really silly here talking about reporting a meme especially a political one.. freedom of speech and right to protest.. Trump gets more than equal time here 😊😂🤣 do you report those trump memes?

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