Having worked with both bankers and police departments, I know the sucessful bank robber averages about $3,000.
Pay attention: to get away with it, you only have three minutes before the silent alarm gets the police department there. If you can rob the bank in under three minutes, you will only get the cash of ONE cashier. The cashier's drawer averages about $3,000.
On the other hand, the average ATM starts its day with $10,000. To rob it, you don't need a gun. Normally, they refill the ATM in the wee hours of the morning with heavily armed guards. Once they've loaded the ATM, the guards go away. Knowlege is power.
Over all, the best robbers use a ball point pen or the internet. Say, I'm a Nigerian prince . . . .
@altschmerz I've worked as a journalist/editor in small towns. That exposed me to the both the businessmen of the community (i.e. bankers) and doing police reporting.
When you hear they robbed the bank and the bank doesn't know how much they stole, that's because they haven't balanced their books yet. It's never $50,000.
On the other hand, if you hold up the liquor store where most sales are in cash it's likely you'll do better. Do it at the end of the day before they have a bank run.
If you're a little crazier, get a security guard's uniform and a sign that says "Deposit drawer closed. See security guard." Show up after hours. Keep the deposits in a brief case. Gun optional.
@altschmerz Now let me tell you about Herbal Life and similar companies . . . . They make bank robberies sound like chump change.
Don't rob with a gun, use a ball point pen instead.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.