3 7

Is it because I really like possums? Is it because it bugs Bill? I'll never tell. @phxbillcee.

OpposingOpposum 9 Apr 4
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Anything that bugs Bill sounds good to me. ?

BeeHappy Level 9 Apr 4, 2018

Right? So fun.

Meanies, the both of you!

If we didn't like you we wouldn't tease you! ?

@phxbillcee says the meanest dude on the site!

@Blindbird ME!!!! You have got to be kidding! @BeeHappy, am I mean???

Ok kids @phxbillcee & @Blindbird, let's play nice! ?

@BeeHappy For us, this IS nice!

@phxbillcee true


I've got like a dozen more but the sites still buggy. Somebody call me a whambulance.

It is buggy af but it's not like they charge us a user fee.

@EricTrommater very true. Doesn't stop me from bitching though. Of course not much does so....

@Blindbird Ain't THAT the truth!


I believe the second one is a racoon.

Obviously you haven't had enough beers

Obviously, @Blindbird doesn't discriminate against species!

@Blindbird good point!

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