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I love to cook, but

glennlab 10 July 2
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I prefer my own cooking where I can control salt, fat, & sugar.

How are you doing, Glenn?

Much better.

@glennlab Good to hear!


Same here

bobwjr Level 10 July 2, 2020

Proud lazy single loser here , keeping the economy going for 13 yrs 😂🦇😂

Pralina1 Level 9 July 2, 2020

How did it go with that Hispanic farm worker case that came with covid? I think it was around mother's day

@Zoohome he recovered completely and we send him home w inhalers and oxygen . He stayed a total of 16 days , and at end of stay we had to walk w him around room to get his strength again and coordinate his breathing .
A week later a got a phone call from security that his mother is down stairs ( no visitor policy still in effect ), and I got down stairs to meet her , maybe the most memorable night in my career life .
She had mask / a blanket , and a bag . She spoke very few in English , she ASKED ME FOR PERMISSION TO HUG ME , ( w hand gestures ), then she wore the blanket and squished me for 3 minutes , I never had such a hug in my entire life ♥️.
She gave me a letter in Spanish , a jar of nutela , and a dog toy and a bag of treats for dogs . I took it all , no way to question that woman , u know ?
Then she opened her purse and handed me another small box , and asked for a middle school girl ( I just noticed her in the car at that time ). , to come out and translate .
The child was her sisters granddaughter . Said this bracelet belongs to their mother , and is very valuable to them , and want me to have it bcz we took care her only son .
I told them that I can’t accept that , I will lose my job , and she was heart broken but understood .
From all the covid pts I ve seen since March , I don’t think I will ever forget this one and his mother .
We all celebrated when he left on his own feet , man , what a time to be alive ♥️
Thank u for asking , thank u for caring. Big kiss to mr Thor !!!

@Pralina1 wow! You made me cry. What a sweet touching story.
But for a second I thought his mom was sick too, I started freaking out then I put one and one together. Lol
Those situations are what reassure you how rewarding is your job and that are good people out there.
How are your boys?
Thor says hello.

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