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Well this seems kind of harsh

Rudy1962 9 Apr 6
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I'm already tired of so many men being prettier than I am.
Hell, I'm tired of so many of them wearing more makeup than I do.

KKGator Level 9 Apr 6, 2018

Of course, that's not really true, in nature almost any variation can be found. Look at walruses for example, pretty they are not (well, maybe to a female walrus), & the bull only has to get in fights to hold his harem. Yeah, let's go emulate that. If a person I'm interested in isn't impressed with who I am, & vice versa, I'll be damned if I'll "prance" for them. I love to dance, & it can surely be part of the courtship, but we dance together. Both of us trying to be our best for each other. It should not be "us vs them". I agree, smite the patriarchy, but crumble the pedestal, too!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 6, 2018

You and your facts and logic

where does 'ranting' fall into the plan?



KKGator Level 9 Apr 6, 2018

Awesome!!! lol

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 6, 2018

She's right though

She very is.. Now they buy long cars and have nice watches !!!!! I judge people on how they smell lol .. If they don't smell right; probably eat shit food .. stay away lol.

@Nickbeee this is true. I just can't shake the smell of bacon and old liquor...

Blindbird, Somehow I knew you were going to approve

@Blindbird ewww lol .. cigarettes an stale sweat on bad fragrances.

@Nickbeee thexy

@Rudy1962 ?

@Blindbird there is a fragrance / deodorant in the UK called "Lnyx" & it's rancid & chemical filled mass produced. There is a meme going around with the lynx can with the caption, "Lynx; do you think the have they have a fragrance in Alaska that smells of cigarettes & disappointment" ??.

@Nickbeee I'm was completely surprised by a male friend who said he does not use his nose in the dating process? Some people just smell wrong.

@RavenCT Haha Yup !!! It is very odd.. If you are going to be smelling someone that much they better smell addictive!

@Nickbeee Truth! I did advise him to start sniffing the nape of the neck.

@RavenCT You aren't messing about are you.. Is that before you grab em in your teeth lol ?? 😛

@Nickbeee rofl - You can do this discretely with a friendly hug.

@RavenCT Yes cuddles is best lolol !!! 🙂

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