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Detroit's finest

Livinlife 9 Apr 6
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Detroit .. Even me here in the UK know's not to fuck about in Detroit lol !! My friend lived out there for years .. still does.

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 7, 2018

I'm about 30 minutes outside Detroit. Nice here, but close enough for me.

@Livinlife Probably a similar distance to my friend unless he moved! Watch out lol !!! 😛

You are in a beautiful part of the world apart form the post industrial era chaos aren't you !! 🙂

@Nickbeee Michigan has some really pretty areas and I do love the lakes. Inland as well as the Great Lakes

@Livinlife YES!!! Would love to visit - you watch out lol !! 😛

@Nickbeee uh oh! Lol

@Livinlife lolol

@Nickbeee you would probably love summer and autumn

@Livinlife Yep I would love to see the lakes and the woods !! I love Autumn leaves !!

@Nickbeee me too

@Livinlife When they go sunset colours 😮)

@Nickbeee it is beautiful


IDC if it is Fox news - this is good read: []

RavenCT Level 9 Apr 6, 2018

Anything from Fox News is shit. Whats happening is real. Nobody that can help , gives a shit about the people there. So tragic

@Livinlife Um this is about the two different undercover cop divisions fighting each other - while the drug dealer watched?

@Livinlife []

@RavenCT you're right, it was worth reading. Talk about a lack of communication, eh? It will be interesting to see how things unfold


Did any involved in the Flint water scandal get arrested?

LEPeff Level 8 Apr 6, 2018

You know the answer to that. Of course not

@Livinlife that is a real crime!

@LEPeff yes, the worse sort..


The cycle is endless... Almost ontological.

So frickin disturbing


breaking news on faux news

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