Why is Monty Python's The Universe song playing in my head?
Or Deteriorata!
I only have meme dreams
Well, that & wet dreams!
Don't let your memes nust be dreams...
@phxbillcee you mean when I get drunk and piss the bed?
@Rudy1962 Oooo-kay! that too, I guess!
According to astronomy a mysterious stranger was coming to my life in 1986 but she obviously got hit by a truck while riding a pushbike.
I think you're confusing astronomy with astrology. One is the study of the Universe, stars & galaxies in particular. The other is crap! LOL
just a little glimmer of hope would be nice.. nothing big or anything, but something.
It will take another 5 billion years before our sun goes red giant, but we will have killed ourselves off much sooner than that! There, did that help?
@phxbillcee ( no... I am a dreamer of dreams.. it keeps me afloat when the going gets tough.
Bring it on down to earth! (Tho the realization that we all come from exploded stars, along with everything else, does blow my mind & amaze me.)
I heard Lawrence Krauss once say that we are all made of atoms from stars that exploded. Forget Jesus, the stars died for us and the amazing thing is that, probability suggests that some of the atoms in your left hand came from a completely different star than the atoms in your right hand. (mind blown)?
@Markus Saw that talk, & loved it. Sagan & even NdGTyson have said the same thing. It's an amazing concept when one thinks about it. It goes way beyond just being linked to everything on our planet. It links us to the whole cosmos. If that doesn't boggle the mind, you have no mind to be boggled!
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