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This study speaks to me....

EricTrommater 9 Apr 8
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Perhaps it's time for a new job?

RavenCT Level 9 Apr 8, 2018

I think it's been time. Eric is not a happy camper there.

@phxbillcee Create poll? 🙂

@phxbillcee, when I've talked to @EricTrommater about his job he always says he loves it. Is he trying to convince himself?

@BeeHappy Rough to come to that conclusion from his posts, but just about everybody bitches about work. Hey, he's a big boy, he'll do, well, not the right thing, he may not be capable, but he'll get by!

@RavenCT Uh, well meant, but to actually vote on someone else's life choices?!? That's really pretty scary when you think about it!

@phxbillcee I was kidding. Trust me.

@phxbillcee Really need a sarcasm emoji?

@RavenCT I know, but I can see that becoming a thing, & it's frightening. Democracy is a great thing, but it can be taken way to far. Like voting on scientific facts. " I don't like the law of gravity, I want to repeal it!" We live in strange times (well, always have I guess) & I wouldn't be surprised at much of anything any more!

I once had a job playing piano at a stripper bar... Not one of them run down places, a classy joint... I love playing the piano I love naked women... And I still had complaints about that job!

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