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In case I leave here, you'll know where to find me

glennlab 10 Nov 24
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I heard those sites are like the hotel California. You can check in, but you will never check out.

Hathacat Level 9 Nov 26, 2020

Iā€™d say enjoy, but...šŸ˜‚


Yes Captain! lol


I've never been a porn guy. That said, I cheered Pornhub when they threatened to shut off North Carolina over an anti gay bill. Pornhub also released numbers showing that the bible belt holds many of their customers.

A couple of years ago, I did a Christmas commercial for them. The spot really had nothing to do with sex, but kind of a Charles Dickens Christmas scenario. It was fun and they paid pretty well.

@johnnyrobish I have absolutely nothing against adult porn - hey, if it helps ya, great. And, as I said ,PornHub seems socially conscious. In grad school, pre internet, a couple guys offered to set me up writing it for some extra cash - again, just not my thing.


Cut it out ! If u leave here , I ll come to Dallas and u ll be in big trouble sir !!!

Pralina1 Level 9 Nov 24, 2020

You know I won't leave, but if that's what it takes to get you to Dallas....


Itā€™s a popular site!šŸ„“

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