My former boss told me today that her husband had a second and more severe stroke.
I told her there isn't too much I can do to help but if you ever need me to research anything for you it's free!
I'm tired of sending useless things along. Not that I've sent "Tots and Pears" ever.
To someone I'm close enough to I will give sympathy, empathy & offers of support & help if they want it.
@phxbillcee Yup.
I live too far away to offer a meal etc... but if she needs some treatment looked up I'll research the crap out of that.
I do often offer sympathy - condolences, empathy and my listening skills (Why did that one not occur to me? She might need someone to listen to her).
@RavenCT A lot of times a shoulder is what is most needed!
@phxbillcee I know - I just figure everyone who knows me is aware I provide that service! lol
@RavenCT Any other services you offer that I can avail myself?
@phxbillcee Ahem - my listening skills are probably my best asset. lol
So much methane!
Some needs to light a damn match next time it happens "Whoosh!".
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