I'm pleased to see that @Killtheskyfairy recognizes she has no logical argument.
How was it funny to make someone feel lowly and stupid? Mean people suck!
Lighten up.
@Alienbeing No entitled mansplaining is going to make me “lighten up.”
I can’t imagine being a minimum wage earner in the service industry trying to survive in the age of Covid. I was talking to the Aldi clerk and she said they are terrified of all the people who won’t wear masks but they can’t say anything to them. I guess asking stupid questions is also part of letting the customers be right.
@Killtheskyfairy Your smug reply clearly shows your closed and confused mind.
@Alienbeing I’m not the one with the closed mind. This joke is blatantly sexist, elitist and mean and only a smug entitled white guy like you would try to play the victim when someone calls it out. GTFOH!
@Killtheskyfairy Indeed you were smug. What makes you think "mansplaining" is even remotely related to my saying you need to lighten up? You think you are capable of "mansplaining", which in and of itself is a rude and pompus remark. You take yourself FAR too seriously.
Talk about feeling entitled, look in the mirror!
@Alienbeing what a joke you are! Lighten up is typical male response when women don’t find their sexist jokes funny and want to mansplain to women why they should think it’s funny. Your replies are just more crybaby victimhood from the entitled male patriarchy. To you, lighten up was not rude, but me responding to it was.
@Killtheskyfairy Your responses prove you need to lighten up more than anything I could ever write. You are so enthused with yourself that I won't point out your obvious shortcomings anymore because I would not want to threaten your love affair with yourself.
Last the original joke was NOT repeat NOT sexist in any manner. Your position is absurd, the joke would have been equally funny irrespestive of the sex of the clerk.
@Alienbeing more male patriarchy from an entitled male! Gaslighting and projecting don’t work with me. 🥴
@Killtheskyfairy You must be the life of a party. You are the type who is only happy when you feel offended, so you look for reasons to feel offended, even when none exist.
Stay in your lonely corner, I could not care less.
As far as your "entitled male" and "gaslighting" coments, you open up a new insight into your mind.Since you don't know a thing about me you could not know if I was entitled or not. Therefore your comment clearly illustrates you esort to attempted insult when you have nothing to say. Regarding the gaslighting comment, nothing I said even approaches gaslighting.
See a shrink, you need one.
@Alienbeing says the guy who has been judging someone else from the first and it wasn’t even your joke. You projecting your controlling behavior onto another is classic NPD. I feel sorry for any females in your life. They need to seek help from your abuse.
@Killtheskyfairy I projected nothing at all. Go back to your lonely corner and enjoy it. Additionally nothing I wrote even infers control. I think you are a mental case.
Your attempt to become a leader of females is a miserable failure.
Last, my wife of 41 years is the real personification of strong woman, not the factless pityful person you represent.
@Alienbeing you continue to make yourself look abusive and ridiculous. I pity your wife.
@Killtheskyfairy. You do realize that this isn't real right. No one made fun of any worker in real life. This is just a meme made to joke around, and illicit some laughs. When we make these memes or find them and repost them, it is just something that someone makes up, like a writer who writes a spy novel, or a science fiction book, or a book of fiction. It's just smaller and made to lighten up the day for everyone.
@noworry28 you do realize that people will imitate it and that if you changed the person from female to an ethnic or racial profile, it would be beyond unacceptable. Why is it okay to make women look stupid?
@Killtheskyfairy This is just a way to release tension and laugh, do not take memes seriously. We are here to relax amongst people of similar interests. This is not meant to insult or hurt anyone. Think of it as going to a comedic movie. Have fun and be well.
@noworry28 nope! I will call out sexism where I see it.
The one I loved was when they would ask "paper or plastic?" I would look thoughtful and say something like don't you have something a bit more kinky like latex or barbed wire?
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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