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Geordielad2030 7 Mar 26
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Dumbass! She had her balls surgically removed, as is her absolute right. Crawl back under yer rock!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 27, 2021

@TCorCM how's that anybody's business but hers?


I think transgender people deserve sympathy not scorn. I remember my ex who seemed to be attracted to people with problems brought home a guy dressed in womens clothes. Probably the saddest person I have met.

Moravian Level 8 Mar 27, 2021

It's an effing dog. So you're projecting that the dog smells balls, so the female is trans? or the ball small is from her boyfriend? or the dog wants to go outside and play? Too vague...

racocn8 Level 9 Mar 26, 2021

Hmmm... It's kinda spot-on, if in poor taste.
That's Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce.
Your lack of (general) knowledge and understanding of a meme, does not make it "Too Vague".

@scurry You are right only to the extent that rational people would avail themselves of knowing such personalities. I turn away from know-nothing publicity hounds, hence my ignorance.

@racocn8 It was all over the news with legal back-n-forth for months on end. Publicity hound, maybe... but unless you were off-planet or under a rock, you know that Bruce changed to Caitlyn...
"You don't need to like the song, to know the words"

@scurry ...and You don't even know She has no balls, putting up a scurrilous comment like this, then calling other people fools because You are one? I smell ASSHOLE!


So am I.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 26, 2021
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