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Oh, & making fun of tRumpettes!

phxbillcee 10 Mar 27
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I agree

Was that your Halloween costume?


Replace it all with plant living

I'm not a plant.

Replace vaccines with natural medicines. About 70% of your viruses comes from meat. Humans and livestock make up 96% of the biomass weight of mammals on earth. Its not nature is the problem, it humans panic towards it.

@Castlepaloma We had 'natural medicines' for centuries. Smallpox, just to name one, didn't seem to "go away".

1796, Edward Jenner in the UK created the first successful smallpox vaccine, but it wasn't until the 1950s that vaccine treatments began to effectively eradicate the disease in some parts of the world.

It took the flu vaccine a century to be 30% effective.
Butt the medical profession and Government don't find more efficient natural medicines profitable.

@Castlepaloma Actually Jenner wasn't the first, his method had been used in Asia & the Middle East for quite awhile before he heard of it... []


Don't trust the Government, just ask the Indians. Leaders are no where near answers, many world leaders recommendations is WEF.
My daughter is half native, so study well both side of the stories many native agree this was a biological warfare tactic. Now today, we almost all are living on the Indian reservation so History does repeats patterns. Much moreso today Covid is not about the virus. Its about, more for the wealthy and less for us.
Blankets of smallpox were given as gift into the hands of natives Smallpox decimated the Native Americans, who had never been exposed to the disease before and had no immunity.

It has been alleged that smallpox was also used
British used all kind of methods to build an empire by diseases, war and slavery the stretch worldwide.

WEF not a conspiracy theory when my Prime minister promotes the WEF Great reset.Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's mother Margaret and his brother Alexandre have both been paid tens of thousands of dollars to appear at WE Charity events. Also each covid death certificate hospital are.paid 13,000 dollars each cause.

This wreaking ball covid and vaccines has destroyed every part of our lives to weaken our very well being. Causing the other 80% cause of deaths of disease and viruses to take hold of us. Wail we have one virus we have 99.98 chance of survival if infected. We are mostly made of bacteria anyways. Your killing much of the good bacteria too.

  1. The vaccines covid will not reach their target distribution because the global people know the vaccines are far undeveloped and lack testing of 10 years of normal vaccines. Third world can't afford and children under 18.
  2. Cant give to people who lack a good immune systems like seniors and older.
  3. What if the catch the covid after the vaccines in 6 months or a year?

@Castlepaloma I'm selective in what I'll trust from any government, or anyone else. I'll also be getting my 2nd Pfizer shot on Tuesday.

Its going to take alot them to hold me down to give a shot, that's if they can find me.

@Castlepaloma Well you will be another one out of the genepool then won't you?...

Oh, you silly shleeps

@Castlepaloma I am not the Q Sheeple who will die of COVID...

You got a 80 times greater chance of dieing from some other virus or diseases. They suckered you into over obedience suffering maddness.

@Castlepaloma Calling bullshit on this unless you can provide a credible citation which means academic quality not Fox news or Qanon... Please have someone post your obituary when you die of COVID I can always use a good laugh.


1.No tv for me for 12 years, no stake or stock in poli-trick. No nationalism its more dangerous than religion. No family visits from the US, It was way too expensive, weeks of gurantine or a Covid Vaccine bribe to get in right away. A mandatory vaccine passport is coming out soon.

#2 decades ahead of untested and unproven vaccine . Your totally responsible for your own serious side effects or death. The medical profession takes no responsibility as you sign off. All this covid hardship kills far more than the virus. Covid is no where the top ten ways to die according to the world health organization. Making 80% chance of dying from every other virus or diseases

#3: Authorities are harming our ammune system with mask preventing fresh oxygen that is most important . Plus a dozen ways they are mishandling masks spreading all kinds of germs or virus greater everywhere. Unless your using a filtered respiratory or throwing out mask everytime like a doctors would, but most people don't.

#4: DCD states 6% deaths are purely Covid-19 the other 94% are 2 or more causes of death on the covid certificate . You have a 99.98 chance of survival of covid, es or virus is worth shutting down a whole planet on every level and every vital part of our lives.

#5 All this ‘misinformation’ lies are designed by the wealthy self interest clubs. Their profits are more important then your health. This is unconstitutional, against national and international law backed by trillions of illegal printed money of private centro banker and tax payers hard earned money

#6 Many of the mass multimedia do mass hypnosis and have ban or given character assassination for many who not going along with plandemic in addition who are too afraid of speaking out.
Myself I'm fearless, yet not stupid. Covid-19 pandemic are liars that are designed by the wealthy self-interest clubs; BUT FY

The Pandemic has been devastating to governments and economies worldwide and trashed many personal lives. Pro vaccine double down on synthetic health systems that are far too onesided.Then ingnore much better alternative natural health practices. If US is in a true pandemic, than why is the population growth in the US 2020 doubled th

Vs 2019 population growth . When a pandemic reduces population. None of this make any good sense when the leading case of death in the world is the medical mainstream profession that you whole heartedly support.

My experience holistic lifestyle is taken from personal friends who are holistic life span are over 100 years old. Much more beyond but vas majority would rather trust and their example from mainstream doctors who live 5 to 10 years below average life expectancy. Synthetic doctors who live 25 to 30 years less than naturalist doctors I personally know.

Its a no brainer choice and consequence

@Castlepaloma Here let me start it for you...
Died from COVID thinking the vaccine was a conspiracy theory and thinking woo in the form of "holistic medicine" would keep him safe." He thought it was the flu and ended up suffocating from a Pulmonary Edema and winning his Darwin Award because he thought it was all a government conspiracy to make him cover his ugly face with a mask... Definitely proved that conservatives are not able to act in a rational or intelligent manner even when their own lives are at stake."
There now that seems a good start how about you have your next of kin finish it for you?


You can keep your Darwin award or give it to who earned it most. Chemotherapy and Covid mass hypnosis destruction award. You kill one person your a murderer, you kill millions of people you get a nobel peace prize. The be all and end all award will go to WEF if they get in with all these billionaire and worid leaders supporting them.

@Castlepaloma What do we call 'natural remedies' that have been proven to work? Medicine.



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