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"Born to be mild..."

phxbillcee 10 Apr 27
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just blocked a blockhead--lenhazell53.

Why do you think we should care? Keep it to yourself. Nobody cares about your petty feud. (Now, go ahead & Block me too, a Mod in this Group! See how that goes for you.)

@phxbillcee , why would i block you? i only block ppl who gratuitously insult others without any logic or humor.


As one of the older generation, I sort of expect to be disappointed by the youth of today.

But not that disappointed!!

1950debris Level 7 Apr 28, 2021


Like a true flour child
Bakes were born to be mild
Cakes can climb so high
I never want to fry
Born to be mild
Born to be mild


that says it all. dutifully wearing the masks outdoors like good little automatons.

THAT is what you get from this, well why stop there, call folks who wear crash helmets on motorcycles wimps too.

@LenHazell53, i wear a helmet while riding my motorcycle. anyone who compares wearing a mask outdoors to wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is a true brainwashed chickenshit.

Really, well that's me told, how does one possibly argue with a logical, adult, deeply thought out argument like that?
A true brainwashed chickenshit, move over Plato, give it up Bertrand Russell there is a new master of Rhetoric on the philosophical scene.
I stand admonished in the shadow of such astounding thought and reason 😟

@LenHazell53 , your infantile, unimaginative drivel betrays a weak mind.

@callmedubious your lack of an imaginative vocabulary betrays your need for thesaurus


Same people in both pictures, they just evolved a bit more in the bottom one.


There’s probably a great film just waiting to be made about a cross-country scooter road trip ... 🛴

The-Krzyz Level 8 Apr 27, 2021

There was, "Dumb and Dumber"

@Willow_Wisp A classic! I stand (or, scoot) corrected ...

Hey THIS is a scooter

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