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My people will eat ANYTHING!

glennlab 10 Nov 21
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But they do!

KateOahu Level 8 Nov 22, 2021

I've had and enjoyed frog legs.

Theresa_N Level 8 Nov 21, 2021

Try witchety grubs.

growing up, we would go out and catch them. The law was that you couldn't break the skin, and sometimes the gig just trapped them against the mud, so you had to get in the water and hope there were no snakes nearby. The poisons they put on the ricefields nearly wiped them out.

@glennlab What's a "gig"?

@FrayedBear The ones we used were mechanical claws that tripped when they made contact with the frog. The ones we could not use were the ones that looked like little pitchforks

@glennlab they use the trident down here for crabbing.
The other device looks good for snakes, goannas & pigs.

@FrayedBear since Louisiana is sub tropical and the water is teaming with pathogens, the trident can only be used in salt water since the broken skin could allow an entry to some really nasty stuff.

@glennlab The only guy that I encountered using it was walking to the bottom of his street to crab Sydney Harbour - subtropical but salt water. Frogs prefer fresh water don't they?
I recall alarms ringing some decades ago when frogs started disappearing. I don't know if they've made a comeback or not. Nor have I heard that they are eaten here even by the aboriginals - kangaroos, possums, goannas & snakes seemingly more commonly mentioned.

@glennlab we use the Trident in Oklahoma but Just in farm ponds. I still have one in the shop, not sure why I kept it. When I was a kid we'd take burlap sacks and a big flashlight and pick them up with our hands and put them in the sack after the flashlight made them freeze. I have a feeling farm ponds are not crawling with them anymore like they used to be.

@Lorajay Monsanto & Bayer chemical pesticides killing more than they are supposed to.

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