Nasal Sex. That's apparently the new thing. We're dinosaurs. I'm okay with that.
@Duke how did we get from rain to nasal copulation. I'm lost
@Blindbird "You get turned on by the weirdest shit" didn't phase you but, you're questioning nasal sex.
@Duke the pun made sense at least. I just can't follow the mental trail to nasal sex...
@Blindbird The latest news is about kids snorting condoms. Condoms... Nose... Sex... I'm sorry that I had to explain this. My worst fears are confirmed, I went totally under your head.. I'm an idiot. You're too intelligent for this shit.
@Duke lol. Not remotely. You're talking to a person who's been known to put dishes in the refrigerator instead of the cabinet. Brain like swiss cheese.
@Blindbird UGH! You... I adore you. But, don't make me make a weird Swiss Cheese sexual reference and then have to explain it... because I'll do that. I'm weird like that.
@Duke lol
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Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.