6 13

I've known this for a long time, but it is really evident today

glennlab 10 Mar 5
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I agree with the vague general sentiment. My quibble is the phrasing's suggestion that to be Xtian is somehow virtuous or noble. I reject that.
There are truly sweet, loving Xtians. I believe those are mostly loving people ""DESPITE their religion, not because of it.
But yes, the loudly professing Xtians are self-righteous hypocritical assholes.


Those so-called patriots are really nationalists. Those Christians are assholes.

KateOahu Level 8 Mar 7, 2022

I've always said that I don't care what anyone is so long as they aren't constantly trying to prove it.

wolf041 Level 7 Mar 5, 2022
    Times are a changin, I find NATIONISM more dangerious than Religion and most christian tells me they are more spiritaul than religious

Most Nationalism actually believe CDC, Dr. Fauci, Pharma and Biden are enough evidence and factual for the covid vaccines to fit all and be all, like super humans


And those are mostly overlapping sets in the US.

racocn8 Level 9 Mar 5, 2022

I figured that out in elementary school at least as far as Christians go…

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