3 13

I am Canadian eh!

Science-guy 8 Apr 28
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A man goes into a supermarket to buy a half head of lettuce...

He approaches a teenager stocking the shelves and asks, "I'm looking to buy a half-head of lettuce, do you have any?" The teenager replies, "Not that I know of, let me go check in the back."

So, he goes into the back, finds his manager, and says, "Can you believe there's some a-hole out there trying to buy a half head of lettuce?" His boss' eyes go wide and the teen turns around to see that the guy has followed him into the back.

Without missing a beat, he continues, "And this fine gentleman is looking to buy the other half!"

So after the guy leaves, the manager calls the kid into his office and says "I really liked how quick on your feet you were out there today.

"Where are you from?"

"Canada," replies the teen.

"Ah, wonderful people, those Canadians," says the manager.

"Nah, they're just a bunch of hockey players and whores," the teen smirks.

The managers' eyes narrow and he tightly says "You know, my wife is Canadian."

"No kidding!" Says the teen, "What team did she play for?"

JacarC Level 8 Apr 29, 2018



Prove you are canadian!

This could be like fake news or something, ya know?

JacarC Level 8 Apr 28, 2018



A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven. Jean Chretien - former Prime Minister of Canada.

@DeeTee I can tell by the look in your eyes, you are trying to trick me.

@DeeTee sounds like hair trumpf to me.


I'm calling shennanigans on this one. All the Canadians who come down here to Florida live up to that stereotype!

I love shenanigans. They be fun eh?

There a bit of truth “aboot” every stereotype eh?

Everyone grab your brooms...

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