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More BSA fun

Captnron59 9 May 6
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I guess I'm probably going to take crap here, but I thought there would be more progressive, open-minded people here. Why should a young girl not be afforded an opportunity to avail herself of the experience and skills that boy scouts could teach her if she prefers that to the girl scout program?

I think there's a misconception here that girl scouts are the same as boy scouts but for girls. That's a long way from true. My daughter thought that she would do the same kinds of thing my son's boy scout troop did, if she joined girl scouts. She learned to sew doll clothes. The one "camping" trip they were on meant taking a walk in a park and sleeping in a church basement. She quit scouting while my son became an Eagle Scout.

I'm not complaining because I got the opportunity to teach her a lot of that stuff and we were are now closer because of that. However, not all little girls have a father who's willing or able to do that. At times, I even thought I was insane for humoring her. Especially when she wanted to learn what it was like to sleep in a tent in December.

JimG Level 8 May 6, 2018

Yup and that's why it needs to be either one group or a choice of either.

My SIL lead a boy scout troop for years. If women can teach - why the heck couldn't young women participate right?

I'm with you.

@RavenCT @jimG agreed


I might get a woopen for saying this, but I think the boy scouts are perfectly in their right to keep girls out. This isn't about separate but equal it's about boy's having a place to bond with their father. Please don't go down the cheap road of gay jokes.

paul1967 Level 8 May 6, 2018

The same goes for girls scouts. Pick and choose which one to be in. It's pretty simple really.

@mistymoon77 I agree.

If it weren't for the overly religious imposition, I would agree wholeheartedly with you.

@MustardSeed I don't mind starting a group of scouts that has both genders. Call it Scouts or kid scouts.

@paul1967 there are groups. A friend of mine tried to start a troop once. I think they were venture scouts.

Actually my SIL lead a boy scout troop. It's got nothing to do with bonding with a parent of a particular sex.

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