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Why do women put bricks in their purses and luggage?

Captnron59 9 May 7
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Honestly, no different than what you don't understand about folk in general. Men deal with things differently, but, bottom line we all want the same things. Well, sorta, there's that yin/yang thing going on. Treat her like a person, first. Then, treat her like a lady. Then, treat her to bed. Then, treat her to breakfast in bed!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 8, 2018

Do I get the job??!!??

@Captnron59 I have balls, Ron, & I like to get to use them! Get a clue!


To help get my point across to mansplainers and harrasers of course.


How long is five minutes.....when you say you will be ready in five minutes?

20 minutes

Five minutes.

15ish... give er take a few.


Ah, shit. It's easier to just make a list of things men do understand about women:

Duke Level 8 May 7, 2018

Gonna be a very short list. Just sayin'.

Yup! LOL

Struggling a little, Duke? Come on, you got this!! LOL

@BeeHappy Give them chocolate, tell them they're attractive, admit that you're wrong, show them they're important to you (with more than just words), make your own damned sammiches and, occasionally make one for her. That's all I got.

@Duke You got this!! Keep going!!

@Duke I find that list completely satisfactory. As long as it's dark chocolate. 😉

@poetdi56 Oh... WINE! I left out the wine!

@KKGator my tribe.

@Duke Was there ever any doubt? 😉

@KKGator Nope.

@Duke, Good job, Duke!!! I knew you had it in you. Add being serenaded by some of your sweet music and you are golden! 🙂

@BeeHappy Ah but, music is a subjective thing. Not all women like to hear what I play. I actually dated a women (very fuckin' briefly) who didn't really enjoy music. I have no idea how that happened...

@Duke, well that makes NO sense! If she doesn't like music, kick her to the curb. There are plenty out there that do!

@BeeHappy Yeah, that didn't last long.

@Duke Damn straight there'd better be wine. ?


Bricks can be useful. Just sayin'.

KKGator Level 9 May 7, 2018

Right? That's what I was thinking! LOL

The handbag, maybe. The luggage?

@phxbillcee Counterweights. Stop asking so many questions.

@KKGator Or I'll find out what the brick in the bag is good for!

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