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That's all I gotta say...

CaroleKay 8 May 7
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Ooooh-kay, then!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 8, 2018

LOL I love this group, thank you❣?

@Emme Glad you are with us!

Thank you ? glad you let me.


Ya, I'm feeling that way about a certain Senate talk going on right now. ? I'm kinda bummed.

Emme Level 7 May 8, 2018

Yeah, the warm welcome goes away real fast. People get a little power and think they own the place. Too much power and people act like what you just witnessed. The drama is almost daily.

I don't want us to become Friendface here. It would be really sad.

@Emme I know right, That ended up in our favor. Admins and others had our backs. You learn who to watch out for and who to block, I suggest blocking.

@CaroleKay Not me, please! I already have 4, that I know of, that block me, & I only know why one of them did! The other 3 I only found out by seeing their names tagged in threads & not seeing them! & I am such sweetness & light & a joy to be around! A saint I tell you, a saint! Ask my Mom!

@kenriley @CaroleKay @phxbillcee
There are 2 Senate talks that are worrisome now. Agnostic is our "good place". It should grow, improve & continue to be just that.?

That's a good thing. Whew!?

@CaroleKay, @kenriley
I've considered leaving as well.?

@phxbillcee hahahaha! You need to message me. I actually had you blocked for 5 minutes! We kind of need to talk. Pretty please. 😀 Xoxo. ♥

@Emme I considered leaving too, that's what they wanted, You saw they made their own group, lmao! It was like "we are so sorry for being elitist pricks, and not including we are now making our own group for elitist pricks". 😀

@phxbillcee I messaged you.

Wow, well, we can just continue the climb & call it good for us?

@CaroleKay I mssg'd you, I rcvd no mssg from you. Believe me, I checked!

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