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Why do some people find this so offensive?

zorialoki 8 May 19
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This is also a cultural thing. I come from an Italian background so it was not that uncommon to see women who didn't shave.

I was with a Wiener from Österreich for many years, met many women from the Americas (39 countries) and Europe and none of them shaved. I love it


I can see women saying to hell with it, but I've been somewhat acculturated, I guess, & find shaved more attractive. Hair is not a gross-out, & surely not a deal breaker, just not as attractive to me, & that's probably set firmly from way back. I know the double standard is sexist, but since I'm not sexually attracted to guys, I usually don't care what they do.

phxbillcee Level 10 May 19, 2018

I grew up with women that had pubic hair and didn't aspire to be pre pubescent Barbie dolls


I do it when I feel like it, and I only do it for myself.
What anyone else does is their business.
You know, just like everything else.

KKGator Level 9 May 19, 2018

I know, it's baffeled me for years.It's an Hormonal thing!

Coldo Level 8 May 19, 2018

Are you sure it is hormonal?

@zorialoki So i was told in Biology, but some of the stuff i "Learned" at school have "Changed"


Social's a thing

Unfortunately, and it is lopsided

@zorialoki true enough. I am a male, and I want to shave my armpit hair, because I think it is super gross. I don't care very much what men think, but women don't like it, which cuts into my dating pool.

@CraeftSmith I have never had a woman complain about my body hair, and I have never complained about theirs. I once shaved my pubes, bad decision it hurt like hell for it to grow back

@zorialoki women seem to have really strong opinions of what I should and shouldn't do with my body hair.

I groom, by which I mean I try to keep from turning into a jungle. The hair I do have tends to grow long, & I live in Phoenix, a bit less hair is a bit more comfort!

@phxbillcee I have a policy that I shave nothing below the neck. I have had beards, not a big fan so I don't. I don't get haircuts as I like my shoulder length hair. I work outdoors a lot of time (I live in NM) an like hair to act as a sunblock so I am not so much a redneck

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