8 10

Starskey and Hutch he's not.

mistymoon77 9 May 26
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That's some Dukes of Hazzard stuff

Livinlife Level 9 May 27, 2018

That's one way to get to the second floor of the garage!

LEPeff Level 8 May 26, 2018

Hold my beer!

lol... watch this..



KKGator Level 9 May 26, 2018

Hey ya'll watch this!.................They almost made it

zorialoki Level 8 May 26, 2018

Barn swallow: noun, thing that gets swallowed by a barn



This looks like it's in defiance of the laws of physics. But okay...

RavenCT Level 9 May 26, 2018

@Johnsalterego Trying to figure out how they got up the speed to launch? lol

@Johnsalterego I'm concerned that you can figure this out? 😉

Hoping you have a more challenging vehicle to launch.

@Johnsalterego, @RavenCT Lots of alcohol & lots of acceleration. & probably hitting the gas by mistake as I don't think one could be so drunk to think you could actually jump that, or fare well if you did!

@Johnsalterego Yeah, that lead-in seems very similar. Just no time, or no cognizance, to apply the brake! Notice that a lot of those were on ice or rain-slicked roads. & it does seem that under the right conditions not much of a 'ramp' is needed to get a car airborne!

@Johnsalterego These make me think "here hold my beer..." . Yikes!

@Johnsalterego Also there's this back road between my Hometown and another town that has this hill where you can catch the most amazing air. Not that I've EVER done that. lol....



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