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Siberia melting - []

Allamanda 8 July 26
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Good for find Mammoth remains BUT bad considering how many unknown viruses, etc, and methane pockets going to be exposed.
I often thought that movie "The Day After Tomorrow" was about 90% fictional until I delved into the Climatic changes that occurred about 10,000 years ago, those theories brought to light that Global Warming is just the first step towards a highly possible Ice Age since the melting Ice caps, etc, cause more fresh water to flow into the oceans thus disrupting the delicate saline balances of the Oceanic Currents which in turn cease to flows as they do now causing the weather conditions, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, to change drastically and as a result dragging huge volumes of freezing cold upper atmosphere down to ground level so quickly that it has no time to warm up so making for massive, long-lasting blizzard conditions.
Those conditions are a prime reason why a number of frozen Mammoth bodies have been found with undigested food still in their mouths and stomachs simply because they were 'snap frozen' at the time of death.

Triphid Level 9 July 26, 2020

Tundra everywhere is melting. It's scary.

Elon Musk accelerated manufacturing of Tesla autos, and ICE car sales decline. Covid is climate change positive. Will we survive long enough to control climate change?

EdEarl Level 8 July 26, 2020

Tundra and glaciers have been disappearing rapidly for some time now. Forests, plant, animal and marine species are experiencing the same, disrupting associated ecosystems.
You pose a valid question, unpleasant as it may be.

@tinkercreek While paranoid lawmakers quibble over nonsense and spin crap, instead of doing anything right.


Horrendous consequences

bobwjr Level 10 July 26, 2020

Horrendous would be an understatement imo, since IF the Global Warming is the precursor to an Ice Age then at least 30-45% of the Human Population above the Equatorial regions will be wiped out and at least an estimated similar number of animal species or as well will be wiped out.

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