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Aboriginal Australians seem to have been right when they claimed to belong to the oldest sustained civilization on the face of the Earth.

Their culture and history of oral storytelling stretches back tens of thousands of years and now, the most extensive analyses of Indigenous Australian DNA suggests that they've been right all along.

#DNA #Aboriginals #Australia #culture #society


josephr 7 Jan 7
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Not a civilisation by any of the standard definitions.

So could our supposed 'civilized' societies be misinformed and mislead? Being civilized is most often delusional and based on subjective criteria.

It IS a Culture of sorts but by no means a 'civilisation' as per the meaning of the word.
Prior to the arrival of Europeans, and in some remote regions still, they are still quite a Nomadic, Hunter-Gatherer type of society.

@josephr We often use the word "civilised" in a laudatory sense implying "advanced", "superior", "humane". It really only refers to groups of people living in fixed, municipal settlements, usually with a formal hierarchy, government, agriculture, and private property. There are many other criteria, but those will do for now. Because they are better organised, civilisations are often more destructive and barbaric than non-civilised cultures such as the original Australians. Nazi Germany was a civilisation, so was Stalinist Russia and Trumpian USA, hardly examples to be emulated.

@amymcmxcii Exactly!


One should read the book:

“Mutant Messenger Down Under”

The a dream time will tell the story!

Even if it was based on altered facts!


I was impressed when I found out the way the three rivers in India comes together is described very different in the Vedas then what we see now, but satellite photos have imaged ancient fossilized river beds that match the Vedas, the geology of the area reveal the rivers were last active over 40 thousand years ago.
We also have the event of changing from a Lunar time base to a seasonal time base. Or just straight up mythological exaggeration like Methuselah living almost a thousand years. But divide by twelve and he lived about 89 years, a miracle by Bronze Age standards. The story possibly handed down and evolved over hundreds if not thousands of years, like the Veda description of the sacred Hindu rivers.


Yes, their culture does, by Radio-Carbon dating, etc, date back some 30,000+ years.

Triphid Level 9 Jan 7, 2021

Totally awesome

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 7, 2021
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