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LINK Under Mexico City - Archaeology Magazine

Mexico City was as Venice. Little remains of the canals except those at Chapultepec Park where one can experience Pre Cortez travel.

Mooolah 8 Nov 29
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The Spanish tried to fully destroy the indigenous cultures wherever they went.
The fact that Mexico city is built on what was a lake makes it less safe during earthquakes.

However, there are indigenous peoples everywhere in Mexico, as the Spanish were influenced by Moslem Morrocco ie Moors, and adopted the custom of marrying their opposition. Now the Anglo/Germanics that dominated the USA perfected genocidal tactics. Our Native First People have been sequestered on reservations by force often on lands unable to support life. The average life expectancy for our Amer-Indians is 45 years. We are still killing them with neglect. The Supreme Court will soon rule on adoption of Red children to White parents & the ICWA.

@Mooolah The adoption case is more than just adoption. SCROTUS could, depending on their ruling, void all past treaties, etc. A ruling based on race will force Native Americans to be assimilated and their lands, still held, vanished.

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