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Understanding Climate Change and Ocean Acidification before and using the End Cretaceous Extinction by using calcium isotopes from Mollusc shells.
Debate persists about the causes of the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction. The bolide impact at Chicxulub left a globally distributed iridium anomaly at the primary extinction horizon that is coincident with the rapid extinction of both terrestrial and marine organisms. However, some experts propose that eruption of the Deccan Traps Large Igneous Province caused the extinction. Although Large Igneous Province volcanism commonly correspond with mass extinctions, questions remain about the link between Deccan volcanism and the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction Ocean Acidification which encompasses transient decreases in pH, and carbonate mineral saturation states resulting from the large and rapid injection of CO₂, into the atmosphere-ocean system, may have caused extinctions throughout Earth history. The Deccan Traps volcanism released large quantities of CO₂, which likely caused warming and Ocean Acidification on a Global scale. Sedimentological indicators, such as reduced carbonate weight percent and increased planktic Foraminiferal fragmentation, suggest eruption of the Deccan Traps forced Ocean Acidification before the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. The bolide impact may have caused lesser and transient Ocean Acidification. During and following Ocean Acidification, dissolution of seafloor carbonate and biological compensation restore balance by neutralizing acidity and elevating alkalinity. Over longer time scales, silicate weathering plays a similar role.

JoeB 6 Jan 11
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Of course scientists like to fight their corners for their own hypothesis, but there is no reason at all why several factors working together could not cause a thing as complex and widespread as a global mass extinction. In fact two or more things at the same time are more likely to cause greater extinction levels.

Fernapple Level 9 Jan 11, 2020

I am positive that a large impact would cause massive volcanic and seismic activity for decades.

What is your theory about the seasons (earth's "wobble" ). An even larger impact would be needed to set this in motion.

moosepucky Level 7 Jan 11, 2020

So in a nutshell, periodically, Mother Nature gets pissed off and blows her top and causes a mass extinction event, like a dog shaking off a bad case of fleas with a flea bath?

Surfpirate Level 9 Jan 11, 2020

Not too surprising. It's not to hard to beleive that more than one event caused the extinction episode at the end of Cretaceous. In fact it could be a situation of cascading events.

It's possible that the Chicxulub impact destabilized the tectonic plates due to impact concussion resulting in the Deccan Trap event. The combined events lead to both oceanic and atmospheric instability resulting in the mass extinction.

t1nick Level 8 Jan 11, 2020

Wow that was interesting..thank you!

Charlene Level 9 Jan 11, 2020

Trying to imagine Trump , being lectured in this .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 11, 2020
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