Political Theory & Policy

In this group, we discuss policy and other things relevant to US politics. Don't be surprised if hasty notions and irrelevant commentary are met with regulatory action.

About the political leanings of the admin:

I could talk about my beliefs that underpin my views on .. Read more

In this group, we discuss policy and other things relevant to US politics. Don't be surprised if hasty notions and irrelevant commentary are met with regulatory action.

About the political leanings of the admin:

I could talk about my beliefs that underpin my views on .. Read more

UNK:groups.newest_comments:en By DZhukovin (49) Posts by members only

Political Theory & Policy
Jun 10, 2022Jun 2022

Posted by DZhukovin
So apparently there was a mission for ISIS to contact and invade the U.S. borders...Um, we need to start encouraging people to report people involved in terrorist activities by being a little bit more street smart. ISIS' means of winning is going to...
1 comment
Nov 11, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by fishline79
Palistinian “Holocaust” For all of you people who are too young or ignorant of history who think the current "holocaust" being visited against Gaza and the West Bank, co-sponsered by the United States and now abetted by Biden in our name, are ...
Nov 11, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by fishline79
Palistinian “Holocaust” For all of you people who are too young or ignorant of history who think the current "holocaust" being visited against Gaza and the West Bank, co-sponsered by the United States and now abetted by Biden in our name, are ...
Political Theory & Policy
Mar 18, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by fishline79
Do you agree or disagree with Gov. De Santis' assertion that the United States has no business interfering in what is merely a "territorial dispute" between Russia and Ukraine?(watch the first 60 seconds of this clip)
Feb 7, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by fishline79
I predict that our democratic system will not survive 2023 intact, because the Executive branch, regardless of whom is president, includes law enforcement, which has been infiltrated by the right wing, and are tacitly supported by the Legislative ...
1 comment
Political Theory & Policy
Mar 18, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by fishline79
Do you agree or disagree with Gov. De Santis' assertion that the United States has no business interfering in what is merely a "territorial dispute" between Russia and Ukraine?(watch the first 60 seconds of this clip)
Political Theory & Policy
Mar 18, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by fishline79
Do you agree or disagree with Gov. De Santis' assertion that the United States has no business interfering in what is merely a "territorial dispute" between Russia and Ukraine?(watch the first 60 seconds of this clip)
Political Theory & Policy
Mar 18, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by fishline79
Do you agree or disagree with Gov. De Santis' assertion that the United States has no business interfering in what is merely a "territorial dispute" between Russia and Ukraine?(watch the first 60 seconds of this clip)
Political Theory & Policy
Feb 15, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by fishline79
For the those who get their news from “social Media” Anyone who votes for a candidate running on what is laughingly referred to as the “Republican Party” is a traitor to our country. The elections are not about ...
1 comment
Feb 7, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by fishline79
I predict that our democratic system will not survive 2023 intact, because the Executive branch, regardless of whom is president, includes law enforcement, which has been infiltrated by the right wing, and are tacitly supported by the Legislative ...
1 comment
Political Theory & Policy
Mar 7, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by fishline79
Answer to “There's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man” by Robert Charles: I submit the following article from Mr. Charles, but would change the title to, “There is nothing more frightening in America than an ...
1 comment
Political Theory & Policy
Mar 4, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
Hi. So, for an update, I have been doing some reflecting on some good ideas for the meanwhile. I have also come across pretty much all leftist literature at , where I think there is some new interesting knowledge that can shed ...
1 comment
Political Theory & Policy
Feb 5, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
Doing THIS kind of representation or explanation of Liberalism has to be a form of brain disease, or something. I’m serious, there is something wrong with Conservatives.
Political Theory & Policy
Feb 5, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
Doing THIS kind of representation or explanation of Liberalism has to be a form of brain disease, or something. I’m serious, there is something wrong with Conservatives.
Political Theory & Policy
Feb 5, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
Doing THIS kind of representation or explanation of Liberalism has to be a form of brain disease, or something. I’m serious, there is something wrong with Conservatives.
Political Theory & Policy
Feb 5, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
Doing THIS kind of representation or explanation of Liberalism has to be a form of brain disease, or something. I’m serious, there is something wrong with Conservatives.
Political Theory & Policy
Jan 6, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
So, all jokes aside, what with the shooting of the San Diego woman in that Capitol building...It just makes it more clear that we have to bring focus to what the problem really is, aside from certain criminals and the Trumpanzees that stormed that ...
Political Theory & Policy
Jan 6, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
So, all jokes aside, what with the shooting of the San Diego woman in that Capitol building...It just makes it more clear that we have to bring focus to what the problem really is, aside from certain criminals and the Trumpanzees that stormed that ...
Political Theory & Policy
Jan 12, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
From the recent FBI warning, there is one thing that is evident: Conservatives, including the rest of the American Right, are using the Republican Party control-layer (Which includes armed conservatives) as a shell, are trying to install a fascist, ...
1 comment
Political Theory & Policy
Jan 6, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
So, all jokes aside, what with the shooting of the San Diego woman in that Capitol building...It just makes it more clear that we have to bring focus to what the problem really is, aside from certain criminals and the Trumpanzees that stormed that ...
Political Theory & Policy
Jan 6, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
Political Theory & Policy
Jan 6, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
Political Theory & Policy
Jan 1, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by DZhukovin
This is something I found really telling, but overlooked about the public vs. Trump, back during the Trump IQ sham. More or less, the public was like "Your lack of intelligence precludes you from really being a good president." Trump's response, ...
1 comment
Political Theory & Policy
Dec 31, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by DZhukovin
I knew those Republicans were going to be some cheating sons of bitches again. The problem is, they pretend like Biden's stupidity & creepiness actually set him apart from other politicians, and they think that this election means ...
Political Theory & Policy
Dec 31, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by DZhukovin
I knew those Republicans were going to be some cheating sons of bitches again. The problem is, they pretend like Biden's stupidity & creepiness actually set him apart from other politicians, and they think that this election means ...


Posted by DZhukovin[prod-cdn-static.

Posted by johnnyrobish US Now Officially Has a Space Force and a Space Command While no one seems quite certain as to exactly what they will actually be doing, President Trump has signed into law America’s newest ...

Posted by johnnyrobish Trump’s Favorite Cable-News Channel is Now One America News President Trump’s current favorite cable-news network is no longer the Fox News channel, which sometimes disagrees with him, but ...

Posted by johnnyrobishTrump Claims Women Tell Him Dishwashers Don’t Work Right Anymore: President Trump continued addressing the great plumbing issues of our time during a recent Michigan rally, by telling followers ...

Posted by RenickulousGun control perspective

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