Non Religious Science teachers -any age

To discuss the problems and successes of teaching science in any country. Particularly teaching science method or making science fun and personally rewarding. You do not have to have been employed as a science teacher only want to improve everyone’s science education.


To discuss the problems and successes of teaching science in any country. Particularly teaching science method or making science fun and personally rewarding. You do not have to have been employed as a science teacher only want to improve everyone’s science education.


RecentPosts By Mcflewster (94) (Page 4 / 5) Posts by anyone

Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Mar 18, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
See what your child or relative could achieve in science if YOU understand the implications of this video. At the time this girl was the youngest ever TED presenter at 12yrs.
Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 18, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
"Let him find out that the egg breaks!"
1 comment
Shared from General & Hellos
Mar 16, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
One of the most mis-understood things about science is that it can be used to make good things better. Why???
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Mar 11, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
Your chance to explain Worm HOLES, Black HOLES ,White HOLES, Dr WHO , Time travel and more not forgetting EINSTEIN
1 comment
Shared from Philosophy & Meaning
Mar 10, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
Time to Brush up on Bertrand Russell .
1 comment
Shared from Family & Parenting
Mar 3, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
What is the best way of teaching patience? A method that worked on you would do. BTW I also like impatient people.
1 comment
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 24, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
In your work at home, in you local community, or in your family please tell us the story of an invention (by YOU) or new system or way of working or communicating that you have spread in that group of people your colleagues,friends or family ...
Shared from Philosophy & Meaning
Feb 24, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Feb 18, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
One of the posts below this one on the " None religious Science teachers" group gets close to being preaching. I think we have to be able to recognise preaching when it is in unusual places. Which one do you think it is? and how would you alter it to...
1 comment
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 15, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
It seem to me a good idea to help introduce the concept of testing in the simplest sense by making lists of examples of the current questions one asks oneself in order to find a new fact or reassure an old one, followed by the action performed in ...
1 comment
Shared from Health & Happiness
Feb 2, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
I am convinced that the difference between a learner who takes to science easily and one who does not is the ability to play. Even before the baby piles cubic bricks one on top of the other and delights in knocking them down again, that child has ...
Shared from Health & Happiness
Jan 7, 2020Jan 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
This post is not restricted to anyone but is perhaps best answered by people who have had experience in bringing up children to maturity. Imagine you were starting ( hopefully restarting ) to bring up a child or children to maturity from birth....
Shared from Health & Happiness
Dec 14, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
I have been trying to think of an exercise for school children (as usual assisted by parents at home) that will show them and their parents the true value of learning science method. Each child can apply that learning in their own way to their own ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Nov 8, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
This is an appeal for graphic help by way of memes for campaigning. The original or copied words alone would be helpful and I could get someone else to help with the graphics. This is an example of what I am talking about
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Oct 13, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
I have been trying to help people across the world with their basic science questions. This one had me stumped at first . My actual reply is below. What would you have said? Perhaps your child has already asked this question, My ...
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Oct 8, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Oct 6, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
What are the major & minor factors which stop children even starting a scientific investigation by themselves that they would enjoy or help them. When do these factors become autism? This question has roots in the time when, as science teacher, I ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Sep 22, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
I am considering asking Admin to change, on the introductory list of topics within posts the wording of “ ACADEMIC e.g SCIENCE ”, simply because I want everyone to NOT think of science as ACADEMIC (= keep clear) (= I HATE). Do you think that ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Sep 7, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
This looks interesting to what I am trying to do. I have yet to study it but if you have any comments it would help my evaluation. Thanks in anticipation.
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Aug 14, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
This should be in every science teaching situation.
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jul 30, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
These are my feelings exactly - connecting Science (simple truth) with control of one human being over another. How happy is he born and taught That serves not another’s will; Whose armour is his honest thought, And simple truth his utmost skill....
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jul 15, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
I am most interested in finding out if anyone came out of a test or exam and said to themselves " I enjoyed that!!" . Behind this is my desire for everyone to test themselves repeatedly. I know that many people will shudder at this thought.
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jul 15, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
I am most interested in finding out if anyone came out of a test or exam and said to themselves " I enjoyed that!!" . Behind this is my desire for everyone to test themselves repeatedly. I know that many people will shudder at this thought.
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jul 4, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by GreenAtheist
Jack Patterson ISU Emeritus Prof fought 30 years against his Dean Boylan sitting on the so called Creation Research Society Board in San Diego....grandfather of the so called Discovery Institute WA/OR ????? And the Expelled movie was partly about an ...
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
May 29, 2019May 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
The thing I like most about this agnostic web-site is that one can ask any question at all. Questions are the lifeblood of science and in my internet searches for good examples I came across this one below . It illustrates the variations in ...

Photos 22 More

Posted by McfluwsterA CHALLENGE For fun Would someone like to re-arrange this image from elsewhere in this forum into " A periodic table of Berries in the USA"?

Posted by McfluwsterMy new year's gift to promoite the best creative science and hence improve the rest of your life, but you have to engage with these sentences to get their ...

Posted by McfluwsterThis is the way to imrove your life through science education of YOURSELF.

Posted by McflewsterSeveral ways of encouraging science that works .

Posted by McflewsterHow many of you have had this kind of experience on Christmas or any other day?

Posted by McflewsterIs this true? Were you experimentally dangerous when young?

Posted by McflewsterA comment posted from a discussion on this site by Hank This is just for you! It is an experimental layout and sequences of scientific method.

Posted by Mcflewster COMPARING THE EFFICIENCY OF FACE MASKS The N95 is different with and without a valve It does not protect other people because it lets out unfiltered air.

Posted by McflewsterJust a reminder

Posted by McflewsterHelpful and really interesting on covid transmission risk in different indoor/outdoor situations.

Posted by McflewsterI am at this instant attending the American Humanist conference Wish I had thought of this name first (below) [] []

Posted by McflewsterTo see the way ahead on your journey []

Posted by McflewsterHow science leads to Humanism [] []

Posted by McflewsterLast night I watched a video presentation introducing me to the work of Ask For Evidence.

Posted by McflewsterLast night I watched a video presentation introducing me to the work of Ask For Evidence.

Posted by McflewsterPlease help me to convince people that COMMON SENSE IS NOT THE SAME THING AS SCIENCE.

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