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Covid-19 potential vaccine announced today! Will you take it?

It's very encouraging news today that Pfizer appears to have an effective vaccine against the Covid-19 virus with potentially 90% effective rate. Read more here: []

What's your thoughts on taking the vaccine?

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Admin 9 Nov 9
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I am actually in a vaccine trial, but not for COVID. I have to wait for this trial to finish first, then I would go to the front of the line. But there is a good chance I will be protected from chikungunya.

A disease I have no chance at all of ever getting.


Yes , I will immediately call whomever to get that vaccine. But not because I am afraid of the disease itself, but so that I don’t ever have to wear a useless facemask.

Rodatheist Level 7 Nov 10, 2020

There seems to be some serious problems with the vaccine...must be kept 94 degrees below zero! And it is going to take two doses 21 days apart. So, don't get to sounds to me that the problem will not be so much people electing to take it, but a problem with handling and timely distribution...lots of room for screwing the whole thing up.

dahermit Level 7 Nov 9, 2020

I am waiting and consulting with my doctors being I'm high risk with surviving cancer and heart failure in the last 4 plus years.


It may not be perfect in the end, but it should protect from the worst of the virus, if not altogether! I have never had a flu shot, but I had the flu many times when I was younger, so I feel that I have antibodies. I have not had a cold or flu in 20 or more years. Covid, I have not had.

I've not had the flu for decades as well, but Covid is nothing to sneeze at. 😉

@Freedompath Flu that you had years ago gives you zero immunity. It's not as communicable as Covid but you have to get an annual vaccine. It mutates every season.

@barjoe it is also recommended that if you have never had a flu shot...skip it! I intend to get the Covid vac!

@barjoe, @Admin I fully intend to take the vaccine!

@barjoe I have all my pneumonia vaccines, is one reason I don’t concern myself about the flu. And I have no underlying conditions and take no meds!

@powder I question the 90% with regards to the fact that the vaccine needs a booster. Think of how much money they made today with that statement. What if it turns out to be 80%? Are they gonna sue Pfizer?

@powder I never signed, not in the US.

@barjoe a little correction on my ‘skip it’ is recommended at or near my age! That may not hold true for younger people.

I guess it all depends on the quality of the vaccine. The fact that it requires super-cold storage, the logistics alone are troublesome. Then only 90% effective?....I’ll wait a few months before taking that. Other vaccines are coming..

@Canndue 90% effective is amazing, perhaps even unrealistic figure. I got a flu shot this year. I have every year since '96. Got real sick back in 80s, thought I was gonna die and I in my late 20s. Influenza can be bad. Get the Covid vaccine when it's available. With herd immunity you won't likely get infected. Everybody should get it.

@Canndue it just may depend on more than the vaccine! If you noticed people in general have varying degrees of Covid-19, from only ‘carriers’ apparently all the way to death! It will depend on our physical makeup and our general health. Even with that there could be another unknown variable! Any ‘proven’ vaccine will give some protection...but then we are still back to the variables! Would an already health compromised person have the same protection as a robustly healthy person? I think time will tell!
My neighbor who is the same age as me had the flu vaccine last year and got the flu and was quite sick for over a week. I expect the same with the Covid-19 vac, but I am no expert! So I will keep watching!

@barjoe I get influenza vaccine every year. Seriously sick 2 years ago. Just doubtful is the best we can do. Either way, it is still several months away. ....also a dozen others are progressing as well...

Got a flushot this year for the first time. Ever.

@sassygirl3869 don’t let your guard down all the same! Lol. sure to get the pneumonia vaccine as that is what can become the major problem if we get the flu.


How did man evolve on earth for about 1 million years without vaccines?


I don't do shots unless it's a jello shot.

Secur Level 5 Nov 13, 2020

readingo more into it. This Vaccine must be stored in -70°C, this might be a problem to distribute it into large scale, even big cities in rich countries don't have the capacity to store enough volume to immunize a big chunk of the population

Pedrohbds Level 7 Nov 12, 2020

Bill gates put a micro chip in the vaccine that gives him control of your genitalia!

And I’ve got my tin foil hat 🎩 on 😂😂


Older people and immunocompromised first and then yeah probably


Six days after the election.

Flowerwall Level 7 Nov 10, 2020

Yes, but the US has not put any money into it at all, so I doubt that they will be getting it.

Jolanta Level 9 Nov 10, 2020

I can wait.


I have a wonky immune system, I'll take it when and if my doc thinks it's proven enough to her. She's kept me going for years now and got me through Covid to begin with. There is still some thought as to if you can get it a second time. I'll let her decide.

Larimar Level 8 Nov 9, 2020

@Thirst2learn I never said she was, but she spends time educating herself on things I don't have time to and I pay her to do that.


Do we even know what it will cost? No and they didn't use gov funds so I'd bet it will be $$$$.

Leelu Level 7 Nov 9, 2020

I won't have a choice. I don't have an immune system. My doc will push me to the front of the line.

redhog Level 7 Nov 9, 2020

I've been vaccinated since 1956 and I have no problems with vaccines. I do recall that Trump was going to take credit for pushing this one through, and now I hear that Pence is. OK, let's be sensible here. If healthcare professionals claim this is a good vaccine after a while then I will take it. Only if they say so however. I view this as any cold or flu shot would be and I don't think taking if if you have COVID will help you. If my medical plan wants to give it to me free then bring it on.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 9, 2020
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