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What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?

Scheduled on January 6th to protest alleged fraud in the 2020 election, the "Stop the Steal" rally is anticipated to draw thousands of the most avid Trump supporters. Calling for the election results to not be certified, the demands feel unprecedented even when considering the aftermath of the 2000 Bush/Gore and Trump/Clinton ("Not my president" ) election. What do you think is going on and what will come of it?

Admin 9 Jan 4
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I hope it exposes the fraud of the presidential election and keeps that incompetent, crooked Son of a bitch Biden and his looney running mate from taking office.

Trajan61 Level 8 Jan 4, 2021

Let's see your evidence of "the fraud of the presidential election".

Where is your evidence of any fraud. Do you believe tRump won?

@xenoview Kind of hard to have legal voters when you don’t even show a valid ID. And the democrats strongly object to showing id’s when voting. Why? Because they want to steal the election. They could care less whether a vote is valid or not as long as they win.

tRump/russia thing ring a bell? What evidence do you have for any voter fraud?

It's amazing that all of those Republican, to include tRump, appointed judges disagree with you. It is also amazing that Republican Secretaries of State, who supported tRump, also disagree.

There was no fraud--only a sad, pathetic, little LOSER tRump and his minions who believe the lies he spews; and all he cares about is his own well being and keeping his criminal ass out of jail after he leaves office. Oh, and grifting as much money from people as he possibly can under the pretense that he is fighting fraud. He is padding his bank account as he needs the money to pay off all the loans he owes.

Trajan. you are back with your moronic opinions. What is it called when you see things that aren't there and you don't see things that are there. You are mentally ill. Go sell crazy somewhere else. After Trump, we are all stocked up here for centuries!!

@xenoview Well if you rig it just right the evidence gets harder to come by or more likely to have discounted when found. And for example, such as skirting votet ID laws in WI with using indefinately confined status and deciding though there ARE rules set up regarding it's use the rules don't really have to be followed. So what was the point of the ORIGINAL RULES? It's put those voters in a position too. I know I heard mention of possible charges of voter fraud. This is a problem. I think charging with fraud goes too far, but I don't know if the ballots should be counted, I think not. Rules are rules.

@xenoview Russia was a hoax and a witch hunt by the democrats. No evidence was ever found that they influenced the 2016 election.

@xenoview, @Healthydoc70 Why is it that it’s the democrats who oppose showing ID’s to vote?? Doesn’t that show intention to commit fraud?

Why do you lie about russia? The house of reps have evidence, the senate didn't use it and set tRump free.


I'm anticipating violence, and more hyper-partisan news coverage that has become the norm under this admin. But I do not think it will stop Biden's transition to the WH. Congressional republicans seem to be in favor of posturing themselves for their constituents, but draw the line at actually breaking the democratic structures that could end their careers or the security of the nation as we know it. They're bending things to find the breaking point which they will use to their advantage in the future.

summatyme Level 7 Jan 4, 2021

Nice insight. 😉


I think Trump is desperately attempting to stay in office in an effort to avoid criminal prosecution and civil liabilities that Presidential Immunity protects him from now. I think that there are plenty of racists, idiots and the greedy in the country to rally around a criminal like him because they are either racist enough to want the continuation of white supremacy represented openly in the WH, to stupid to understand the repercussions of having a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexual predator running the country or making money off the misery and slow destruction of Americans so they don't care.

Comes from having a country to immature to understand that with rights come responsibilities and creating a founding document that only requires the respect of the former and not the latter is a childish fantasy of greedy, short sighted men.

redbai Level 8 Jan 4, 2021

I expect it to be yet another super-spreader event, I expect it to foment violence against less pale people, and I expect it to be designed to be nothing but a dog-whistle fest to whip his base into a frenzy, in an attempt to start a civil war.

Notlost Level 6 Jan 4, 2021

Ay let them gather in the millions, so they all could drop dead.


I’m tired to death of this election and this nation.

rainmanjr Level 8 Jan 4, 2021

Me too. sigh

Yeah 😣


Donald Trump's support base needs to be identified for what it is: a bunch of anarchists.

anglophone Level 9 Jan 4, 2021

You left wing people are the anarchists!

@Trajan61 Please excuse me for shitting myself with laughter at your reply.

@anglophone Seeing as your from Australia what could you possibly know about American politics?

@anglophone Trajan61 wouldn't have been able to spell "anarchists" if you hadn't spelled it first.

@Trajan61 Please, explain--how can we be both Communists and Anarchists?

@Trajan61 Seeing as you are in America, it is impossible for you to know anything outside the USA, and that includes knowing the limits of your own ignorance. Oh, and if you want to play the "Game of Insults", it is already too late for you as you have already lost. You can have this jelly baby by way of a consolation prize. 🙂

@Trajan61 Well Trajan, you sound like a 3rd grader. I should correct anglophone. He/she is wrong. Trump supporters are no different than those who supported Hitler or Stalin, for Trump is surely in their club, Going on 350,000 deaths and you support him????Ignorance on a stupendous scale, especially when you consider, which you obviously don't and can't see that he is stealing your money and destroying your water, air and food on an unprecedented scale. I call that attempted murder!!

Given this thread's conversation...this is a little old but could be classified as relevant []

@Healthydoc70 LOL! I was poking fun at @Trajan61 with my admittedly xenophobic and unjustified claim about people living in America. I would add Mao Zedong to the triumvirate of Trump, Hitler and Stalin given the millions that Mao killed with his purges and the way he whipped up the youth of China to achieve that.

Religious Whackjobs.

@Joanne Probably a Trumpanzee.

@Trajan61 There is no voter fraud. Just like trump's birther lies. The media has created something that is not real and the politicians want to investigate the lie they created. BOTH sides have had committees look into voter fraud - it's NOT there! Minor shit happens but on the big scale of major elections there is nothing to swing an election.
The Fairness Doctrine needs to be brought back.

@silverotter11 Why is it the democrats almost always object to showing a valid ID to vote? To me that reflects an intention to commit fraud!

@Trajan61 Why is it that total nutters always make crazy unsubstantiated and unsubstantiable claims?

@Trajan61 The only people I know who object to showing ID where I live are republicans, except if the people voting are not white and then you best have your ID.
FYI, WA State has had all mail in balloting for years. When you register to vote your ID is checked, the auditors office does that. There are no road blocks like limiting the number of ballot boxes. One of the reason the state went to mail in ballots was to save money, make access better for all residents rich, poor, rural or city. Why do some states say you have to have a vehicle registered in the state in order to vote? Yes, Georgia tried to get that in before the run off today. Why did Texas limit the number of drop boxes? Counties in MY state ADDED more boxes.

@Trajan61 Let's see your evidence that "democrats almost always object to showing a valid ID to vote"?

You have no idea how facts are established, do you?

@LovinLarge []

@silverotter11 []

@silverotter11 Absolutely the Fairness Doctrine should be brought back, and let the Supreme Court decide if it's constitutional or not.I've been saying that since the late 1980s. The lack of it is one of the main reasons--if not THE main reason--this ignorance is allowed to grow and fester. It may be a relatively small percentage of people who listen to the megaphone which is AM Radio, but those people then spread the lies and ignorance spewed forth by AM Hate Radio to everyone they know.
Reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine should be the first thing Joe Biden does January 20.

@Trajan61 And your point is? @LovinLarge

@Trajan61 Why do you rely on lunatic fringe conspiracy mongers? @silverotter11

@Healthydoc70 If Trump was anything like Mao, Stalin or Hitler you would be dead! You evidently don’t know your history very well.

@Storm1752 The Fairness Doctrine? I can see the constitutional arguement against it. But a Fairness Network aimed at television? That would be a great idea. Right now all you get are versions of the same propaganda on multiple networks. Maybe the fairer thing would be requiring a warning label that states the generally perceived political bias of the news source, so we could know atleast ONE aspect was definately true of the content. I think the larger the news agency, the more money involved, the more important it would be to make this public declaration. In the declaration would be a reminder to seek out other sources in order to balance perspective. A warning against the ill effects of biased news.

@Trajan61 Your link does not support your claim, Einstein.



@anglophone Got it. I was going to add Mao, but got tired and figured he wouldn't know who it was given his obvious high degree of information level.LOL

@Trajan61 Very weak. You have no idea and coming from you, Mr Flat earther it is hilarious

@Trajan61 "News for Conservatives"? Nope, evidence has to be credible

@LovinLarge So you probably consider CNN and MSNBC along with CBS and ABC to be credible?

@Trajan61 Not always, it depends what their source is for any given article. The only source in your article is The Washington Times which I had already proven is not a credible source. If something is true, there exists unbiased evidence to prove it

@Trajan61 Here we go again. Anyone who is not an american can't know anything. You are so brroad minded

@Trajan61 The only fraud going on is Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression. And the Republicans are the experts at this

@Trajan61 If Trump had the same Power as Stalin or Hitler then you may find that you could be dead by now

@Trajan61 "@Healthydoc70 If Trump was anything like Mao, Stalin or Hitler you would be dead! You evidently don’t know your history very well." Your ignorance appears to be boundless.


I've seen proud boy posts showing they plan to dress in all black and attempt to blend into the antifa folks so they can more discreetly cause destruction to avoid identification. Don't underestimate these folks.

Larimar Level 8 Jan 4, 2021

I keep an eye on some things just to see what we're up against. They actually believe this BS

@linxminx I know!!! But I've seen even more of these. They're insane!

@Larimar Wow, people so stupid they are willing to die for Trump, though I'm sure there's not a human on this planet he would do the same for, including his wife and children. And what a charming screen name the first post had - "VapingTrumpsPiss".

We've had plenty of false flag events in the past, only in those cases it was the cops or the intelligence agencies like the CIA or FBI pretending to be leftists. Maybe this time the authorities and the media might actually see thru it, since the right wingers are being dumb enough to publicly tip their hand ahead of time. But I won't hold my breath on that, since leftists always get smeared and bad-mouthed by the corporate media and the government no matter how innocent they may be of crime or wrong-doing. As American as apple pie....

@Larimar JFC these people are demented and have lost their fucking minds. I fear for this Country with morons like this running around.

@linxminx The worst ones are on Parler. But equally bad is certain facebook groups that I lurk in or see posted by cousins where's she (primarily) is sharing. I'm in a group that lurks in right wing groups and shares also. Know your enemy and then you can fight them. Where we can, we report.

@Redheadedgammy All the more reason to petition your representatives to bring back some form of the Fairness Doctrine.

@linxminx I know....utterly disgusting. And princess Ivanka called them patriots, then deleted the tweet, he's still stirring them up, and so forth.

@linxminx No, it's going to take time and hard work to tamp this down if we can. I suggest reinstituting laws to force media back to facts and fine them when they don't. And we need to dig up all the dirt on what has happened in the last 4-12 yrs under Republicans and expose it. And the same goes for Dems. Start holding our representatives to truth.


This is nothing more than political flatulence coming from Trump. He faces a growing number of State and Federal prosecutions after January 20 in both criminal and civil court. Let’s see how all this litigation plays out first. Then we’ll all know a lot more truth to put this man into proper historical perspective.

kensmile4u Level 8 Jan 4, 2021

I would love it if he was declared bankrupt and put into the slammer for the rest of his life.

Lol @ political flatulence. It's a succinct way to describe the past four years.


President Lardass is hoping for violence so he can invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law. I doubt the military will go along with it. Liberal groups are urging progressives to stay home to prevent such a scenario. The proud boys have already indicated they are going to dress some of their own as members of antifa to run a false flag insurgency and clash with the mama's boys. I don't see any of this working, but it will be a shitshow for sure.

zeuser Level 9 Jan 4, 2021

Making popcorn 🍿?

They could all kill themselves for all I care.


Nothing that lasts longer than a news cycle.

skado Level 9 Jan 4, 2021

I think the jail terms for some of the troublemakers may last significantly longer than a news cycle.

We can only hope.

@skado Hope is an illusion in the minds of the gullible and naive.

It is if it is.


Well, it will definitely be another super-spreader event, for one thing.
It's also be fodder for those who believe 45's lies.
I don't see anything remotely positive coming from this.

KKGator Level 9 Jan 4, 2021

The ONLY positives coming from this will be COVID-19 test results.


It will be a nuisance, make two days TV and print news but it is a sign of what has already started.

Trump will be a thorn on Biden's side for all four years and more.

  1. Trump will build a conservative movement bigger and stronger than the Tea Party and force the conservatives to get radical
  2. Trump will successfully build a media empire that will suck oxygen out of Fox News, you will see him TV shows every day
  3. It is possible that that he will inherit the radio show of Rush Limbaugh after Limbaugh is dead soon
  4. Trump will focus on defeating his sworn enemies Democrats in every race - local, state, federal.
  5. He will contradict every Biden and other Democrats move on foreign policy, immigration, Fed Chairman moves, stock market, legislative bills
  6. Trump will make sure that Democratic president, senators and House fail at everything by giving a better voice to the opposition, he will focus on defeating big name Democrats by funding, campaigning and running rumor media
  7. Trump will be a living nightmare for the Democrats as long as he is alive
  8. He will build a powerful Washington lobby for conservative causes but stay out of legal woes
  9. He will launch political donations, fund raising like no Republican has seen before
  10. He will successfully fight all legal moves by the justice department and New York and force AG and governors and force them to abandon all by sucking all oxygen out of their political capital. He will prop their opponents, critic. At some point, the governors and AGs have to choose between Trump and their own political future.
  11. He will begin to expand his businesses in Conservative states and overseas. He will focus on using favors due from Saudi Arabia, Israel etc.
  12. He will run for one term in 2024 after forcing Biden to fail for 4 years
  13. He will create a political dynasty after encouraging his children to run for Senate from safe red districts that will surpass Bush's

Democrats are very naive not to take Trump seriously and with the current old, weak, meek Congressional leadership... will pay a huge price at the polls going forward.

St-Sinner Level 9 Jan 4, 2021

I was going to formulate a reply, but it looks like I don't need to...

@JeffMurray yeah, what he said. 😤

You seem to think Trump is a person of philosophical and moral integrity who meets adversity with dogged determination, long-term planning, and stoic adherence to principle.

@Admin You mean compromise like the democrats did after Trump won in 2016?

Do you need any integrity to be a nuisance and trouble maker? He still managed to get 70 million votes across the land in 2020, didn't he? While we keep underestimating him, Trump keeps beating us in the ground. How's that?

Of course he holds on to his opportunistically achieved positions as long as he can milk them, but when they nosedive, he bails. If he does otherwise this time it will be a complete departure from his entire life’s history.

@Admin what’s a mutual compromise ? Can u get this into measurable example ?
Maybe will spare division if no charges and prosecution of “ your good for the economy “ president ?
Wouldn’t that be sweet and nice and kind , and soo the right thing to do and stop the hate ... to not mention so convinient .
Let’s not worry about him rallying his supporters to spit on democracy’s face . Let’s focus on what can be done to stop “ dividing the country afterwards “. Bcz u know , priorities and shit .
There in not a fucking crime in the books that this guy and his government have not committed against this country , citizens , health , education , taxation , minors , women , gays , responding to a pandemic , blacks , fraud in all levels , but we are ok w rallying AGAIN . The problem is “ what will happen next “, and what can be done to restore devision. .
where is the post condemning this rally on the 6th ?
I ll wait . And won’t hold my breath . Blue is not my color dude .


Think Trump's right fringe supporters will get violent. Trump will try to enact Martial Law with disgraced General Flynn by his side. Hope they both get locked up before a riot takes place!!!!!

I think sedition may be a crime still. Who knows in this country now.

@JeffMurray ha the federal reserve apparently gets away with it every day?


Well apparently DC cops already grabbed the leader of the Proud Boys on multiple charges

redhog Level 7 Jan 4, 2021

Maybe he’ll get a nice large schlong up his fruity fudge tunnel.

Then he’ll be making a lot of “loud noise”.

@SeaRay215ex I'm kinda hoping some locked up gang members shank him.


I want each and every one of these yahoos not to wear a mask and have covid 19 render them sterile if not dead.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Jan 4, 2021

It will give the white nationalists and ‘hangers-on,’ one more (possibly last) chance to spotlight their anger and stupidity before the America people that they believe is not giving them what they deserved! Never mind that they haven’t earned respect, they might just take what they want, without permission or caring about what others want or need!


I agree, we need to clean up this political divide and reign in those that propagandize information for their own gain with no regard of how it hurts the system under which said irresponsible media resides. It's like a virus that kills it own host.


Those trumpsters need to grow some brains. 🙄

You libtards are the ones who need to grow some brains!

@Trajan61 The fact is that Biden & Harris won the election fair and square. It's the trumpian repubtards who are trying to steal the election from Biden.

@BestWithoutGods What in the hell are you talking about? There was rampant fraud. Nobody but a raving idiot would vote for that senile SOB Biden and his Looney VP!

The rampant fraud is on the part of the Chump and the followers he has conned. The rampant fraud is on the part of the trumpians. It is possible that Biden has memory problems, but Harris is anything but looney. The looney ones are the Chump in the White House, and his VP Halfpence. After four years of the Chump, Biden and Harris will be a welcome breath of fresh air. 🙂

@Trajan61, I hear lots of claims of fraud. So far there have been four proven cases of fraud. Three were in Pennsylvania. Those involved voters voting multiple times for Trump. One was in Georgia where somebody attempted to ote for a dead person. That vote was also for Trump.

As for all the fraud you have heard about, where is the evidence??? So far five dozen courts have asked for the evidence and haven't been shown any. I've lost count of the number of times that, when asked by the court for evidence of fraud, the Trump legal team says, "we are not alleging fraud, your honor."


Regarding this "big lie" of the alleged theft of the election, Goebbels would be proud of Trump.

kmaz Level 7 Jan 4, 2021

We just need Trump to go away a la Goebbels show of courage!!

@Healthydoc70, or he could just imitate his hero, Adolf. Trump knows where the bunker is.



Nothing, there may be some violence, but it will not stop the congress from approving the votes of the states.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 4, 2021

if indeed thousands show up i expect the collective IQ of DC to jump 6 points

My, you are quite the optimist.😉

I expect it to drop 100 points.


Unfortunately Trajan never learns and continuously walk into a shit storm with his ignorance. He only knows how to calls names, not discern facts or a coherent argument.

t1nick Level 8 Jan 4, 2021

The only thing stolen is their common sense and their patriotism.

t1nick Level 8 Jan 4, 2021

If we are lucky they will all contract covid 19 and die. I am tired of these people who tell us when drumpf was called president that we had to accept it but they don't feel they have to do the same.

Budgie Level 8 Jan 5, 2021

I think some of this upheaval over the votes is revenge, because trump was not embraced by everyone (meaning the Democrats to them). He was not accepted because it was clearly known by at least half this Country...trump is a dangerous man, especially as president! I shutter to think what might have happened if the ‘left,’ had not pushed back to the degree that they were able!


Additional thoughts:

  1. I am concerned that not enough people are showing full recognition of the principle to avoid underestimating Trump. I err on the side of overestimating him. I see a lot of folks who are derisive of him. I don’t think that’s a luxury we can afford. He is quite a powerful demagogue who knows his audience and has deliberately done a TON of damage

2). I don’t think he will succeed in overturning the election on Wednesday but I think he will succeed in establishing some framework for violent insurrection. Is it treasonous? As far as I know yes bu he seems fine with that

3). I’d like to see more calling out of the Limbaugh’s and Hannitys and others for whatever their. Own responsibility in this may be

kmaz Level 7 Jan 4, 2021

When it comes down to it, Trump deep down is nothing but a little sissy Mary. He only goes after those he knows are smaller and weaker. Anybody can be a “Tough Guy” behind a phone keyboard or when around friends or bodyguards. He would in all likely hood go down with one shot to his face.

He is hated here in NYC. That’s why he moved to FLA. he can never walk the streets here again without having bodyguards or the Secret Service. He’d get harassed and lynched every time he stepped out of Trump Tower.

@SeaRay215ex All Bullies are little sissy Mary's

hi - @dermot235 and @searay215ex

It's hard to argue with these diagnoses of Trump as nothing more than a bully or sissy or "fill-in-the-blank", and I think there's real value in hearing it and discussing it. At the very same time, couldn't this be said of some of the most murderous fiends in history? The amount of damage that Trump has done is hard to calculate and understand, not only in terms of property and lives and health and economics, but in more abstruse ways. So, I'm suggesting, even as we agree that there is value to diagnosing him as nothing more than a lame bully in some ways, that we also stop underestimating him. He is a bully, but he is a scheming and proven-lethal bully, and getting rid of him legally and properly and fully is difficult.


I expect a few more products of incest to begin their 9 month creation. Alot of racial slurs, intense stupidity and more than a pinch of delusion.

redhog Level 7 Jan 4, 2021
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