In this video, the comedian joked that conservatives believe that:
While this is, of course, tongue and cheek, what dangerous, wrong or false beliefs do many Conservatives (yes, including "alt-right" types) have that you oppose?
That an egg is a child. That we will evolve stronger if we expose ourselves to toxicity. That those that can not compete should die off. That small government = responsible stewardship ( except for almost 20 years of nuclear testing, agent orange, Love Canal, DDT was sans government regulation). That one should be able to contaminate others. That the rich should become more so thru a lack of taxation & profit sharing.. That some folks are just not evolved as others, but any port in a storm. That gays are deviant but trafficing in children isn't. That my god should be your god or else. That shooting projectiles into animals is sport.
This really misses the point that there are two kinds of conservative, one can almost think of them as Sharks and pilot fish.
The rich c's find the poor c's invaluable because they are stupid and will believe anything they are told by the Rich c, because the poor C invariably believes having money makes you, better wiser, and chosen by god to rule over them.
Poor Cs are necessarily self deluded and stupid, to the point that they will actually vote against their own best interests.
Rich Cs are morally bankrupt and place a monetary value on everything including each other and human life and live accordingly. To them their existence is a balance sheet, and net worth judged only on personal profit and loss, regardless of the consequence.
For example where as a non conservative person, rich or poor would take the trolley thought experiment and find it hard to judge the worth of one life against four, the Rich conservative would ignore both sets of potential victims and instead want to know if everyone ON the tram had paid their fare.
In the same experiment the poor conservative would only consider if the net worth of people on the track (probably decided by how neatly they were dressed) before deciding who lives and who dies.
I think there is a lot of truth in your comment. The non-rich conservatives make up a huge percentage of Americans, who vote against their own self interest and will probably never change, since the corporate media are still very powerful in convincing them of the myth that they will be rich some day. There are also non-rich conservatives who vote against their own economic interests solely out of fundy religion, esp. abortion opponents. The non-rich conservatives who are very religious don't care about money or getting rich. They vote conservative thinking they can buy themselves a seat in heaven by following their religion strictly and that's enough reward for them. If we got rid of the corporate media propaganda and fundy religion in America, our politics would greatly improve just by those two things, even if the same people and corporations still owned both major parties, because our people would be ready to revolt against the system and vote third party.
The rich cons have convinced the poor cons that it's fine to screw yourself as long as some minority or lib getas screwed to.I call them suicide belt voters.
Conservatives, just like liberals and everyone else, come in a wide range of views. I have friends and family that are conservative. I don't hate them nor do I believe they think this way. This video is rather moronic even if it's meant to be funny.
The poll question really doesn't make sense to me. I'm not confident about how anyone thinks. I can only make a determination based on a person's words and actions.
One could easily flip this and say that conservatives think that all liberals want healthcare that is magically zero cost to anyone and that liberals want to ban cars and eliminate all the police and take away everyones guns and make every drug legal and other equally ridiculous things. It's easy to grossly exaggerate the views of people and lump everyone into one group.
Well said. Trying to determine what others think and feel without spending time with them personally is a lost cause. Our biases are showing!
hear Beevis & Butthead giggling He said "think" and "conservative" in the same sentence!!! more giggling
I voted 100% because i was a southern baptist conservative. I'm trying to unfuck myself but it's a hard battle so yes i know how they think because it was deeply embedded into me.
I do wish you luck, stay the course.
@BirdMan1 I'm committed to it. It gets harder and harder everyday to listen to the absolute bullshit that i heard everyday of my life
@abyers1970 I laud you for re-examining your views. Those who critically think can do that. I have changed my view of things as science, investigations, etc. increase our knowledge. It is the unreasonable person that can not do that. Can not reason. Stay true to your search.
Oneof my brothers os a gun-toting hard right-leaning Libertarian...I don't even need to ask, he "informs" me regularly about his beliefs
As I mentioned, I’m not at all confident I understand how conservatives think, but I do detect some patterns in what they think. And I can’t say it’s “wrong” because I tend to see conservative mentality and liberal mentality as some kind of naturally equilibrated pair, in that they are found in all cultures and places. So, “wrong”?, maybe not. But deserving of my balancing opposition?, richly!
They are the component that overly? mistrusts democratic ( small “d” ) governance, and overly? trusts the unrestricted right of individuals to accumulate power.
Is that dangerous? Maybe not as long as the balancing constraints are equally strong. But either side has the capacity for extremism if left unchecked.
A sailing vessel moves forward only by virtue of the opposition between the keel and the sail. Without the ballast keel the sail would turn the boat over. Without the sail, the boat would make no progress.
Who cares? Ya got knuckleheads and pebblebrains on both sides of the aisle.
All of the bulleted items above are correct, but there is one belief that ties them together: LIBERAL IS BAD.
When you read or overhear the discourse among conservatives you learn that Liberals, Democrats, peacenicks are all stupid and want to destroy America. Conservatives hate anything that is associated with Liberals or Democrats, but mostly they hate the individuals.
Well we just need to see" hate "as the enemy of us all.
Yet the same people who claim to be 'patriots' are ones who will fight to death for their ability to own weapons to protect themselves from their own governments overreach. They stand firmly behind giving the police total power , but not the outcome of 'unfavorable' elections .
They think??? I've seen very little evidence of this.
I should be what's considered a conservative:
I don't drink, smoke, shag about, gamble, do illicit drugs, drive fast, live beyond my income, etc. I conserve water & power, I wormfarm & recycle, I use PV solar & tankwater, and, I designed an eco-efficient house. I'm an ethical vego.
I support affordable medical care, housing & education, and equitable treatment of the disabled, chronically or acutely ill or injured, and the disadvantaged ... oops, perhaps that's not very conservative of me, after all.
@LizZyG I was wondering where you were going with that description! "Conscientious" definitely is not the same as "Conservative", though the conservatives I admire are exactly that.
What is the opposite of Conscientious? Reckless? That is one quality I see on the extremes of both poles.
I find that implicit suggestion that most Conservatives are capable of thinking to be absurd.
Conservatives think? Pull the other one.
You wrote exactly what I was thinking!
Unlike say yourself who made a remark so broad that it cannot be correct.
@Alienbeing Prove me wrong then.
@RonWilliam53 How am I supposed ro do that? Parade all known Conservatives in front of you?
I consider myself Conservative, and I'd be glad to debate anything you care to bring up. We'll see who thinks.
@RonWilliam53 Tucker Carlson. Do I need to go on?
Conservatives have changed and not for the positive.
Imo, you seem to forgotten ONE extra question, i.e, Do they actually have the Mental Capacity to THINK.
Another obvious question is what mental prowess do your have to infer you thank better than all conservatives.
@Alienbeing Given the demonstrated mental incapacity of all conservatives, it is trivially easy to make the inference that everybody else think better than the said conservatives.
Not so fast. The comedian is just non sense. They never said anything remotely like that.
We are are putting words in their mouths. That is not fair. I believe this is what they think:
They truly believe in all the things they believe in. We call them stupid and they call us stupid.
I'd agree with you sir, that I believe to some extent in some of your above list. But I also believe that nothing is an absolute. And that we're viewing these, and other beliefs or ideas in a "moment in time". I'm a long time Conservative. But that doesn't mean I automatically reject other's views.
Just one sided view and thinking is a sure way to radicalism. I don't know about Conservative platforms but we have Far Left Radicals in our ranks here. Socialists and communists who want to give free money and things to all (created by others) but would never live in any communist or socialist country themselves. They think the wealth created by others is their property.
Free speech is THE fundamental Human Right. Everything stems from that. Everything else is bullshit if it denies..
@JacarC Define free speech.
@JacarC so, tell us about the last time you yelled "fire" in a crowded building?
My opinion, for what it is worth, is that conservatives are motivated by greed and anxiety. They are anxious about anything that may change the status quo, in which they are the top dogs. Change of any sort, itself, is frightening to them. A spin-off of this is their greed, as the see having money as the bulwark against which change will beat itself to death. And, they can't have enough, they are like Rocko, the Edward G. Robinson character, who simply wanted "More!"
This is pretty accurate. I think conservative feel they are entitled to success and wealth and that they do not feel other races/cultures deserve it. They are motivated alot by greed and keeping what belongs to them and that other people are coming in to take away what rightfully belongs to them. They feel that everyone should live by the christian faith and look down at those who are not christian. Christianity is sort of a country club which they feel separates them from the riff-raff. I'm not speaking of this by opinion only. I was a conservative Southern Baptist for almost 50 years and have seen the light and trying to change so i know what i'm talking about.
We ALL need to be more mindful of the information we absorb to feed our beliefs. Clearly the conservatives are more out of control than the rest, but I still see plenty of confirmation bias on the left of this spectrum as well.
Cognitive flexibility is something that is sorely lacking from all conservatives.
Gathering liberal fodder for your next attack article? Ever consider using facts?
Interesting read. Thanks for the link.
Given that I am not a mind reader, it's generally impossible to say for certain how anyone thinks.
However, with folks I personally know who self-identify as conservatives, in many cases I can guess the positions they will take on some issues. We often end up opposed on said issues.
It's unfortunate that many who are conservatives automatically assume that anyone who doesn't agree with them simply MUST be a liberal democrat.
I'm neither, yet I am constantly labeled as such.
Personally, I have found that conservatism is generally pretty regressive. That opinion is based on many decades of observation.
@PBuck0145 That's because you are. Classical liberalism was defined two centuries ago and bears no resemblance to contemporary liberalism so stop trying to benefit from the title.
I empathize. Holding classical liberal views, I am regarded as "far-right" by most leftists.
For Conservatives any change is too fast. For Progressives, too slow. That democracy is ponderous may be a positive. There are 2 issues where I oppose the "lefts" support & I am aligned with the "right". I am disturbed by that fact, examining my position often. I have voted once for the loyal opposition, but find that it is the left that is on the side of the common citizen & the conservatives lean towards the business owner. Where the balance lies is our dilemma. I am confident that all extremists do not think. They react. Thusly reactionary, be it left or right.
Even cats are smart enough to get “out” of the box.
I get along better when I don’t assume stuff without some pervasive indicators to assume a measure of plausibility.
I never related to a political party, the most important things in order to me is:
Good point.
@Willow_Wisp This is why islam, and the cpp, are so dangerous to freedom.
"Only power is of use."
Most of the people I know are identify as Conservative. None of them think exactly alike and some are considerably different..
It's impossible to be comfortable with how conservatives think when they always get everything wrong. The very word, "conservative" gives some insight into their problem. Conservative means to be obstinate, unyielding, and unchanging. They want to hold on to the old ways even if the old ways are corrupt and broken beyond repair.
It would take thinking as misguided as a conservatism to even consider electing scum like Trump to say nothing of holding him up for worship or to have been chosen by some fucked-up divine providence. That goes for other conservative scum like McConnell, Jorden, Graham, Gohmert, King, Nunes, Miller, the list just goes on and on and on and on and...
They hate liberals because we want change. Everything needs to change and they'd rather burn down democracy then allow for anything to be changed. Their thinking is too stilted and dull to allow them to hold any power. Look what they did with it these last four years alone.
They fuck up everything.
The term "Conservative" started as the description pf those who wanted to "Conserve" thing as the currently stood.
The changing connotations of the word basically reflect how individuals view one another.
@Thirst2learn Except that it is broke -- something conservatives are too dim to understand. Just more proof they're too out of touch to be in charge.
@Thirst2learn Thank you for proving my point for me.
@Thirst2learn Once again, thank you. You've been very helpful.
@Sgt_Spanky @Thirst2learn is a perfect example of a person who spouts off however in fact has little or no knowlwdge of the topic in question. He speaks for no one except himself.
"What is broke" is your opinion. I'm sure you are correct in some cases, and incorrect in others.
I know a lot of self-described conservatives and generally speaking, they're not really conservative. But, they're greedy.
Exactly. Conservatives are about greed, selfishness, and wanting to keep everyone below and different from them in the pecking order firmly in their inferior place. They have no sense or concern about generosity, fairness, or integrity. It's all about winning and staying in power. Which is why they are more successful politically than liberals, who instead have to also care about being truthful, fair, consistent, etc. Those are handicaps when it comes to putting together voter coalitions and getting power. The conservative political tent is much smaller than the liberal one, contains fewer issues and coalitions to unite around, and much easier to keep the group united.