All Things Astronomy

Like NPR "All Things Considered" with a focus on astronomy and space topics to include... literally any object or phenomenon above Earth's atmosphere. (PLEASE abstain from posting anything about astrology)

Like NPR "All Things Considered" with a focus on astronomy and space topics to include... literally any object or phenomenon above Earth's atmosphere. (PLEASE abstain from posting anything about astrology)

Posts Tagged "university" By Hathacat (178) Posts by anyone

All Things Astronomy
Feb 1, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by starwatcher-al
Hubble deep field. The Hubble Ultra Deep Field (in its eXtreme version) is the deepest view of the universe yet obtained … and will be, until JADES takes over. It stretches approximately 13 billion light-years and includes approximately...
All Things Astronomy
Oct 11, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by Ohub
Mars was a sight tonight. Seeing was good. I haven’t had my nearly 20 year old Discovery 8” DHQ dob out in years but it all still worked. Viewing was good enough to use my Televue 4.8mm Nagler and University Optical 5mm orthoscopic for most of ...
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Apr 10, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by starwatcher-al
dated April 6, 2020. Recent observations of Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) show that it’s fading in brightness. According to observers’ reports, after gradually brightening to magnitude 8 as it crossed Mars’ orbit, the comet has appeared fainter ...
All Things Astronomy
Apr 29, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Lukian
we are in a void! wasn't that a Star Trek episode? Yep, several voids have been found in the observable universe but the one we are in is the biggest! It makes everything other than what's in our galaxy, but in the universe, so far away from us....
All Things Astronomy
Apr 26, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Lukian
Marsquake detected!! That didn't take long. First marsquake detected by NASA’s InSight mission By Paul VoosenApr. 23, 2019 , 2:50 PM Mars is shaking. After several months of apprehensive waiting on a quiet surface, NASA’s ...
All Things Astronomy
Apr 26, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Lukian
Astronomers Just Detected The Universe Is Expanding Much Faster Than It Should Be The latest measurement of the expansion rate of the Universe is in, and it has confirmed with more certainty than ever that we have a real dilly of...
All Things Astronomy
Mar 24, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Smorie
If an object the same mass as the Earth was to whiz past the Earth but miss by less than 500km, what would be the effects? Would there be massive tsunamis? Would people get pulled off the ground? Would there be no effect at all? Mats ...
All Things Astronomy
Feb 8, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Lukian
Big storm on Uranus (yes the planet) Hubble Reveals Dynamic Atmospheres of Uranus, Neptune During its routine yearly monitoring of the weather on our solar system's outer planets, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a new mysterious dark...
All Things Astronomy
Jan 16, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Lukian
Astronomers discover first direct evidence of white dwarf stars solidifying into crystals The first direct evidence of white dwarf stars solidifying into crystals has been discovered by astronomers at the University of Warwick, and ...
All Things Astronomy
Jan 9, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Lukian
these may be more common than expected Mysterious radio signals from deep space detected Astronomers have revealed details of mysterious signals emanating from a distant galaxy, picked up by a telescope in Canada. The precise nature and origin...
All Things Astronomy
Dec 17, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Lukian
Rosetta witnesses birth of baby bow shock around comet. ... As the supersonic solar wind flows past objects in its path, such as planets or smaller bodies, it first hits a boundary known as a bow shock. As the name suggests, this phenomenon is ...
All Things Astronomy
Dec 17, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Lukian
I'm sure this probe will give us years of awesome pics The Parker Solar Probe takes its first up-close look at the sun The spacecraft broke speed and distance records on its initial solar flyby FIRST LOOK One of the first images NASA’s ...
All Things Astronomy
Dec 15, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by VineetHonkan
Here in Toronto every month at U of T (University of Toronto St. George Campus, downtown Toronto, the greatest city in the world! lol) the graduate astronomy society holds an outreach where they discuss current things on the bend. things like ...
All Things Astronomy
Nov 24, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Lukian
another alien mega structure around a distant star? Probably not Astronomers spot another star that flickers like Tabby’s star It’s unclear what’s causing the newly discovered object to blink, but it’s probably not ...
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Nov 12, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Lukian
Science debate in action. I started to express a sense of skeptical curiosity when it appeared that LIGO was detecting several signals in a year or two. That would mean there are several black holes merging, maybe too many? ...
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Nov 12, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Lukian
A star almost as old as the universe in our back yard. This 13.5-Billion-Year-Old Star Is a Tiny Relic from Just After the Big Bang. Astronomers think they have identified a star they believe to be about 13.5 billion years old, which would ...
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Nov 6, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Lukian
Confirmed: Earth has 2 extra moons... more like orbiting dust clouds satellites. Earth has two extra, hidden 'moons' First spied in the 1960s, the huge dust clouds have now been confirmed—and may affect plans for future ...
All Things Astronomy
Nov 5, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Lukian
Holy Cow! Astronomers agog at mysterious new supernova An event known as ‘Cow’ that has rocked astronomy since June likely offers a close look at the birth of a neutron star or black hole. For many astronomers, 2018 will be ...
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Jun 28, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by AntaresRose
The multiverse theory states that though our universe is one of many, it’s a lucky one. But new research calls that luck into question. By Amber Jorgenson | Published: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 MultiverseNEWSTILE Jaime Salcido/EAGLE Collaboration ...
All Things Astronomy
Jun 21, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by AntaresRose
Einstein proved right in another galaxy June 21, 2018, University of Portsmouth Einstein proved right in another galaxy Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the gravitational lens ESO325-G004. Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA). An ...
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All Things Astronomy
May 20, 2018May 2018

Posted by AntaresRose
In early 2016, two planetary scientists declared that a ghost planet is hiding in the depths of the solar system, well beyond the orbit of Pluto. Their claim, which they made based on the curious orbits of distant icy worlds, quickly sparked a race ...
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Apr 22, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Lukian
Anybody else bothered by this claim: Every few minutes, a pair of black holes collides somewhere in the Universe, sending shivers called gravitational waves through the fabric of spacetime? Shivers all right! ...
All Things Astronomy
Apr 14, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by ScienceBiker
I love listening to Carl Sagan. His explanation of the Drake equation is among my favorites. Every time I watch it, I feel like I've been one of his university students, learning from the master professor. Advance to 2.39

Photos 424 More

Posted by starwatcher-alThe occultation of Mars on the 7th.

Posted by starwatcher-alThe occultation of Mars on the 7th.

Posted by starwatcher-alSolar minimum was in 2019 so the sun is ramping up in flares, spots and prominences.

Posted by starwatcher-alI missed the early phases of the eclipse but the clouds mostly left during totality. All in all a great eclipse. Next one is Nov. 8-22

Posted by starwatcher-alI missed the early phases of the eclipse but the clouds mostly left during totality. All in all a great eclipse. Next one is Nov. 8-22

Posted by RobecologyFor those following the JWST.

Posted by AnonySchmoose The post-launch set-up of the new James Webb telescope has gone very well.

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.

Posted by starwatcher-al Did you know that you can see Venus in the daytime?

Posted by starwatcher-alOne of these days I think that I'll figure out this Nikon.

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