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Jerry Falwell Jr. plus 6 other church leaders ensnared in sex scandals

MojoDave 9 May 26
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Oopsies 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄


Not only the hypocrisy, but the apparent commonality of this sort of behavior among Christian fundamentalist clergy (I'm not forgetting the Catholic priests scandals either, btw), really makes me SMDH. If they're going to indulge in this kind of activity, they should shut their mouths about preaching against homosexuality and LBGTQ rights. C'mon!



Charlene Level 9 May 26, 2019



We really need to wise up to where these guys' heads are at. Not just priests but all these people with access to vulnerable people. It used to be put down to having a vocation. We were very innocent. I wish we understood the psychology of these people. I watched the new film from Norway and I hoped that some priest might say something explanatory but all I heard was 'if only you had come to me earlier, you could have got money'.

brentan Level 8 May 26, 2019

Fucking hypocrites, I can't stand even the sight of them, screw them!

Mofo1953 Level 9 May 26, 2019

"screw them!"
I think too many people did, that's where the problem started 😂😂😂😂😂

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