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LINK Could Australia's DYSTOPIAN Lockdown NIGHTMARE Come To The US? - YouTube

Wow! The US progressive media calling us autocratic and dystopian in response to COVID. That's gotta hurt.

It seems like only last year we were the envy and role model in COVID in the world. That had to be true, of course, because the media and the government kept telling us

Strange days indeed. Most peculiar mama, as John Lennon might say.

In other words, I enjoyed watching this little take down.

David1955 8 Aug 25
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@Budgie Please do not think that ALL Americans do not care if people die from the virus or anything else. There is a segment of all populations who are unempathetic. The anti vaxxers might be , but they might also be fearful, arrogant, ignorant, self absorbed, insane misanthropes. We sure have 'em.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 26, 2021

Consider this, IF you will.
Our so-called " Dystopian/Autocratic Nightmare" has thus far costs Australia FAR, FAR LESS in Human Lives to both the original COVID 19 and the Delta variant that the mighty all "MOUTH and very SHORT Trousers" has with JUST the Original COVID Outbreak did and, it IS far from over and done with in the U.S. btw.

Triphid Level 9 Aug 25, 2021

We are coming to the end of our round 2. We had three days of hard lock down followed by one week of mask wearing no gyms or indoor singing, karaoke, dance floors.

We had one case (a person who had quarantined in NSW and tested negative on departure, but was diagnosed as positive on a routine test at his work place two days after arriving) All of the contacts were isolated until two negative tests (so some may still be in isolation)
We had no community spread and will go back to our regular way of life (with hand sanitising but no mask wearing)
I love the fact that Michael Gunner is prepared to go hard the moment there is a case. Yes it is annoying and teaching in a mask is no fun. I am lucky that I can socially distance my class (they loved using the measuring tape to make sure they were all 1.5m away from each other) and ALL of my special needs kids wore their masks. This included kids with anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and combinations of these. ALL of them no complaints so I get really pissed when people say they can't stand wearing one (I hate wearing it) that it restricts their breathing (the kids run in them for half an hour at recess and lunch) that ...... I really don't care.

Stay at home or wear the mask it is not that hard.
Socially distance if you have to go to work or to the shops. There is soon going to be another variant it will be called the Australian Variant but it should really be called the NSW variant.

I think calling this dystopian is just the insanity of America they don't care if people die because of it.

Budgie Level 8 Aug 25, 2021

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