4 2

Let's hope this is accurate.
America has become fully fascist with their security services totally compromised. One of the authors of the Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation letter, acknowledged as false, has admitted under oath that it was written for Biden at request from Democrats. Like the Russiagate/ DNC emails was also promoted by security services. Two examples it is US agencies that manipulate American elections, not foreign ones. Media is complicit.
Time to end ties I feel until they clean their act up. Now totally corrupt and getting more desperate with wars going badly and their dollar going down.
Australia is a friend of America so we should cut ties as it is the only way to wake them up so they clean house. If only democrats would click that yes American government is now fascist, but their party are the most fascist of all, supported by the fascist state agencies, so power is maintained.
They use disinformation to rig elections
They blew up Nord Stream
Afghanistan WTF?
Peace is "unacceptable" to them.
They just sent military "advisers" to Taiwan, 200 of them. Like they did in Viet Nam. They want war.
Ukraine is a proxy war between Russia and the US. Their problem. NATO won't commit, why should we?
Australia needs to wipe their hands of this crackpot country and thus help them help themselves.
Believed the US was turning fascist for a long time with only rigged elections and a uniform missing. But if you count the colour of ties as a uniform, all boxes checked for a fascist society. We will follow suit if not careful.

puff 8 Apr 22
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If you want to lose a war, invite the American to join in. Modern history has proven that every conflict America has started they lost.
They have an excellent armed force IN HOLLYWOOD productions but alas no where near in reality. The longer Australia's umbilical chord is tied to America the longer we are a target for the very nations we need as allies
The American involvement in Ukraine has guaranteed a Russian victory. Maybe that was what the prearranged plan was all along??>


and BTW, you drag up "Hunter Bidens laptop", below. which makes me realize, again, what a puppet on a string you are.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Apr 23, 2023

The laptop is not the story. The story is how state agencies utilised their resources to help ensure a political candidate not to their liking was not voted in........again, by suppressing information and even going so far as to disseminate false information (The famous spook letter falsely claiming it was disinformation).. I will laugh at the downfall of the Biden grifting family. When the DNC inform you whom to support once he is gone, will you continue to play ball? Anything so Trump doesn't get in aye?


Oh, the US is [turning] fascist, but it's not because of the Democrats. You got your shit all twisted.

Please show how Democrat behaviour has differed from your other party?
We don't accept your unsubstantiated statement. It's as much bullshit as we sent to New Zealand in the last dust storm.

@FrayedBear The Democrats didn't try to overthrow the government and install a would-be dictator. You're a fucking idiot if you don't see the difference.

@ChestRockfield , @Glennlab, so you are denying that they had anything to do with the overthrow of Korean War 1950, Allende's Chilean government in 1973, the Australian government in 1975, the Afghanistan government in 2001, Iraq 2003, Libya 2011, Ukraine 2014, . . . the list is non inclusive & some dates may be inaccurate.
According to Spokesman-Review here is a list of the dates when each individual party was in power:-
1933 -53
1961- 69
1977 - 81
1993 - 2001
2009 -17

@ChestRockfield The Democrats alleged Russia did the DNC hack, commissioned the Steele Dossier which had all state spooks on side and had FBI types condemn Bernie Sanders as a security risk. That was 2016.
Then the suppression of Hunters laptop, along with the letter from spooks claiming it was Russia again, which Biden proudly showed all prior to 2020. Media fully onboard suppressing a very newsworthy story showing Biden family corruption, suppression overseen by state security agencies.
Trump is a psycho, should not be given that sort of power, but did not he scare those in power because he was not able to be controlled by them. State agencies like FBI, DHS and CIA propagated the false narrative of Russian interference against him. DOJ has ignored the crimes of the grifting Biden family whilst endlessly pursuing Trump. Rather snuggly are the Democrats and state agencies, those state institutions which democracies rely on to be independent and not politically affiliated.
How you describe a fascist party? Because the glove fits when there is a cozy marriage between politicians and corporate donors. When political opposition is suppressed through state controlled media and a politically driven Dept of Justice. Where a surveillance state becomes prevalent and dissent is pursued, cancelled or deplatformed. But "good" dissent aka BLM is encouraged.
Outrageous military budgets, constant war whilst society at home is degrading.
This sounds like the democrats to me. Plus more importantly, it also sounds like fascism.
Everything is now backwards regarding Democrats Vs Republicans eg Womens rights are now defended by Republicans as Democrats place trans rights higher. Alternate voices clashing with ideology is now not tolerated by Democrats. And the biggest flip of all, Democrats are now pro war.
1984 here we are.
Republican MAGA's actually took over the Capitol building..........................then did nothing. Insurrection my arse but working well as a distraction whilst the Democrats introduce even more fascist policy.
America needs to clean house.

@puff I cannot take seriously a person who would write the phrase, "Womens rights are now defended by Republicans" without it being an attempt at a joke. If you can be that laughably wrong about one thing, I can't be bothered to address the rest of your nonsense point by point.

@ChestRockfield Not a single Democrat voted for this. So you must conclude Democrats are not interested in women having their own spaces to compete.

I also can't take seriously calls for tolerance from the most intolerant mob in memory.

@puff Only an asshole or an idiot would think women dying in hospitals because Republicans took away their doctors' ability to treat them is the same as voting against banning trans athletes in women's sports. You, sir, are probably both.

@ChestRockfield And who took away doctors ability to do anything? Oh that's right, Democrat mandates later overturned by courts.
Love to see some figures of all these women dying in hospitals. Funny when you consider how many times Democrats have controlled both houses and the presidency in the last 50 years, but never thought it important enough to enshrine Roe Vs Wade with legislation. Now, it's a state issue but Democrats still use it as a Federal issue.
What was article 9 all about again?

@puff That's fuckin' rich. Blame the Democrats for not double protecting the rights of women with Supreme Court precedence AND legislation instead of blaming the party that's taking away their rights. That is insanely stupid. That would be like blaming a woman for getting raped because she wasn't wearing an iron, time-delay chastity belt instead of blaming the rapist. I was correct, idiot AND asshole.

@ChestRockfield All my life abortion has been an issue in the USA, still haven't got your shit together. The SCOTUS decision was merely shifting responsibility from the Federal to the states.
As a medical procedure, it should be up to the Dr and the patient imo, with legislation not needed.
And the hypocrisy in claiming women are put at risk yet encouraging kids to have life altering procedures when they are still immature in body and mind is quite breathtaking.
I do feel my call for Democratic supporters to recognise their party is enabling fascism is obviously falling on deaf ears. So keep on blaming all others instead for the US's woes, as it could NEVER be the Democratic party.
Glasshouses again eg be wary of whom you accuse of being an idiot. Arsehole? Aren't we all at times?


Fair dinkum.

BDair Level 8 Apr 22, 2023

@Puff - I think that he's agreeing with you mate. There's no question mark❓! 🤣

Dead set

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